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Friday, January 10, 2020

Maybe it’s controversial but I don’t want my kids to ever have to experience this. [Alzheimer's/Dementia of a parent] Lord take me before this. My kids are my heart. May they never know a day where I don’t know them anymore. Never. - Lisa

A Shooting At Applebee's

 Shooting at the Applebee’s on Holt tonight, I really hope the victim survives! - Lisa

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


 The oldest drew this. It’s a depiction of her toad, Trevor. I wish I could draw, like, at all lol - Lisa

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Street Angels

We’re signed up to make 60 lunches next month. It’s easy and a great way to encourage your kid to do for others. I hope my fb friends will consider signing up as well! - Lisa

The Witcher

I just finished season 1 of this show based on the popular Polish fantasy series. It's great and I can't wait until season 2 comes out.

Old Man Dan

Dan in his early 20’s: “These old people like everything bland, pass the hot sauce, I love spicy food!”

Same Dan at 45: “These youngins have ruined food, it’s not even about flavor anymore, it’s how bad can I burn my mouth”

His take on popular culture, especially music is similar. When he starts his old man rants I’ve now begun mocking him saying “yep, Elvis’s hips were gonna destroy civilization too” LMAO  - Lisa

Monday, January 6, 2020

Listen up!



She's talking to you, fake anti-war Dems.

Junie's Great Look

 The youngest of my beauties

❤️ Rocking her new Xmas outfit. Jaunty cut out green sweater, black skater skirt and opaque tights. Borrowed LuLu's bllack booties. Aesthetically sound👍 lol - Lisa


Spam is on its 5th consecutive year of record breaking sales. To all of those who shamed us over the years (we remember), when it’s cool and trendy someday I wonder if we’ll get apologies? - Lisa

Sunday, January 5, 2020

33 Years On

Today being the 33rd anniversary of his death, OJ and I stopped by to visit my Big Grandpa. I humbly apologized to him for her piercings and hair, explaining that it was just a phase and that Americans born after me were a little "off." (just kidding!)

Saturday, January 4, 2020


THIS. 100% this. Have some integrity and acknowledge when your opinions are driven by partisan, not ethical reasons. Y'all didn't care when Obama was bombing and killing daily for 2 terms, but now a terrorist leader is eliminated by Trump and you're all Lennon & Ono? GTFO.  Hypocrites

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

My son: “if animals didn’t wanna be eaten they shouldn’t have been made out of meat” Funny af.

Funnier even still, because I expected some smart sounding stuff about being at the bottom of the food chain! 😂🤣 These kids make me laugh every single day! Love them - Lisa

 If you say, “Alexa, take down the Christmas decorations” she responds, “I think Santa's Little helper’s are better suited to the task” cute! - Lisa

Happy New Year

Happy 2020! I literally stubbed my baby toe BAD 30 seconds into the new year. Hope that’s not a sign! - Lisa

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Monday, December 30, 2019

 Lol sure don’t! Had family members that loved the game but could never quite remember which piece could do what! - Lisa


 New Years is usually a fail for me. I feel like there’s three kinds of parties: 100% drunk and nervous as you watch others drive home, OR buy a $200 dress, $100 shoes, and pay $300 a couple at a hotel ballroom OR celebrate at a kids event with 300 6 year olds

🙄 Any advice? - Lisa

UnCut Gems

The only bad part of this movie was seeing it in a theater packed with youngins barely old enough to vote. Not that that's automatically bad, but it did lend the room a frat house vibe. As a matter of fact, I don't think there were any females in the room, and no one else over 25. Which was odd, bc this was a serious, sometimes artsy movie.  

No one in the film is a very good human being, except perhaps the wife and kids (and maybe not even the kids), and nothing good happens to any character along the way. 

It's misery and miscue and poor life choices, one after the other, building tension until the movie finally screams "Enough!" 

Sandler is wickedly good and should give Joaquin a run for Best Actor, and the movie itself, while not for everyone, impressed me greatly.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Sorry Alderman

 Apparently my privacy settings have been set to only show my posts to alderman T Anthony Zielinski. I’m guessing it’s been this way at least a week!

😂🤣😂 omg. Hope the alderman has enjoyed the content! ❤️ - Lisa

Friday, December 27, 2019

The Addams Family and Frozen 2

I saw these movies on successive days at Showtime Theater and was impressed by both. 

I was surprised to like Addams Family, as I have no love for the source material, but it was funny and the animation was STELLAR. 

 I took Junie to see Frozen 2 on Boxing Day despite the fact that I've managed to avoid ever seeing the original. I thought it was a good story and the "fight" against the river was legitimately impressive. I can't speak to how it holds up against the first one, but I dug it.

More Cookies

 More ugly sweater decorating fun. I think they lost their Xmas spirit when LuLu brought out the leftover knife sprinkles from Halloween lol - Lisa

Monday, December 23, 2019

Yum Yum

Smiley makes a mean tuna casserole! 


Rise of Skywalker

I just returned from a midnight showing of Rise Of Skywalker with Smiley . My verdict: I enjoyed it a lot, and thought it was a fun and action packed way to end the Skywalker saga. That doesn't mean it was a "great" movie. It was derivative and often predictable , esp in the paint by numbers third act. But I wasn't looking for innovation, and I'm happy they spent time retconning the crap out of TLJ. It's the best film of this trilogy and worth a trip to the theater.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Helping at the Food Kitchen

Lisa and I spent part of the late afternoon helping the Street Angels prepare 100 pork dinners for local warming stations. Well, she helped with food - I got stuck washing dishes in the church kitchen. D 'oh.