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Monday, December 30, 2019

UnCut Gems

The only bad part of this movie was seeing it in a theater packed with youngins barely old enough to vote. Not that that's automatically bad, but it did lend the room a frat house vibe. As a matter of fact, I don't think there were any females in the room, and no one else over 25. Which was odd, bc this was a serious, sometimes artsy movie.  

No one in the film is a very good human being, except perhaps the wife and kids (and maybe not even the kids), and nothing good happens to any character along the way. 

It's misery and miscue and poor life choices, one after the other, building tension until the movie finally screams "Enough!" 

Sandler is wickedly good and should give Joaquin a run for Best Actor, and the movie itself, while not for everyone, impressed me greatly.

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