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Monday, February 17, 2020

Delivery - a review

DELIVERY is a 2013 film that opens with an impressively done "episode" of a fictional reality show about a couple pregnant with their first child.

The rest of the film is "cut' footage from the rest of the season, where it quickly becomes obvious it isn't the Gerber baby in the wife's womb.

What follows isn't all that original or captivating BUT . . .again, I say BUT, the last two minutes of the movie were unexpected and redeemed the whole damn thing. 

Still an overall dud, but wowsers.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

My college schedule from Fall of 1993

My memories of that semester? The meteorology professor was boring as heck but I think I still stayed awake long enough to earn a B. I enjoyed economics, but don't remember the English history class at all. Ross paraded around his WWII class like a drill instructor and talked so much I dont think we made it past D-Day; I'm still wondering who won the war. But it was enjoyable, and certainly detailed.

And guitar? Carrying around a guitar on campus looked cool but holy moley that was a pain. I remember getting really angry at someone that mocked my beat up, paper thin case. That was another B or B+ class, because I wouldn't sing to accompany my playing during the final exam.

An Icon of MIlwaukee Childhood


- Lisa


Saturday, February 15, 2020

No that can't be right - oh snap!

The meme is right. Palpatine kinda won the whole 9 film arc. Essentially, Star Wars is about the failure of the Skywalker family.

Mind blown.

Cuddle Time

This boy sure likes cuddle time w mama. - Lisa



Based on a Stephen King book (a darn good one), DOCTOR SLEEP is a sequel to The Shining, both the novel *and* the Kubrick adaptation that King despises.  To accomplish that merger, the last quarter of the movie diverges from the book. The changes work, and even improve the ending, but in so doing sacrifice some of the emotional resolutions I remember from the novel.

Anyhow, it's good. Real good. Ewan McGregor is top notch, and so is Rebecca Ferguson as the evil Rose the Hat. Be forewarned that a very disturbing murder from the book is even worse when acted out on screen, and is not for the faint of heart.

Get past that, and you're in for a treat.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Oh No! A Chewer!

 Ugh, first puppy damage. Last time I saw tooth marks on wood like this was when LuLu ate her crib almost 16 years ago

😂🤣 They had plastic teething strips to attach to the crib that helped. I don’t think there are teeth protectors for the front of fireplaces

Someone is definitely a chewer. And a scrunchie collector lol

- Lisa

Happy Valentines Day 2020!


Happy Valentines Day 2020!

 So pretty!!! I love chocolate covered strawberries! Thanks YaYa! - Lisa


If you haven't met him already, here's our new doggo Huckleberry, lounging in Smiley's arms late last week.

Thursday, February 13, 2020



 So my kids are older now and I bought a couple “naughty” signs for the bathroom. A “fucking flush the toilet” sign and an “enjoy your poop” sign. Dan hates them, shamed me for their vulgarity. So I’m assuming these jars I found are out of the question then lol. But they go with the naughty theme so well lol

There is a part of me that knows better and agrees with Dan buuuut then there’s my other side, I mean haven’t we been good role models (for the most part) long enough? - Lisa

The Not-So Magic Broom

The latest internet craze involves balancing a broom so that it stands upright on its own - due, of course, to the once-in-a-lifetime tilt of the Earth's axis, or the alignment of the planets, or, well, take your pick. It got so much attention  NASA had to come out and refute it lol

But Ginger managed to do it with the mere use of physics and trial and error. 

In other news, some new holiday themed pillow covers arrived.

Nice, eh?

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Not my work - author unknown


 Well THAT didn’t last long. Of course I already ordered the other 2, and gave a positive review.

🙄 FFS!! - Lisa

Home Improvement

Trying to make small improvements in our space. The spice rack obviously a fail (for now, but I’m staying hopeful). The new pillowcases and shower curtain seem to be ok tho. So that’s three steps forward, one step back. - Lisa


The Boyz

 The boys in the family - Lisa


Junie - 2015

This was taken 5 years ago today (February 12, 2015).

I Remember- The Bathtub Shark

Until I did a web search for this post, I would have sworn that my memory involved a skit from the Canadian show SCTV. It used to air late at night here in Milwaukee when I was young ,and I really didn't care for it - although now I wonder how much of that antagonism was due to misidentifying the source of this sketch.

JOWLS was a Caroll Burnett Show parody of the movie Jaws that took place in a bathroom, with the cast fishing for the Great White in the bathtub. 

The bathtub. Like the one in my house.


I was a liitle kid, remember, probably under 5. Alas, my bathtub had a small chip in the porcelain and, while even then I knew better, the lizard part of my brain was certain a shark had caused the damage. 

This irrational fear didn't prevent me from taking baths, it just made mine super quick,  and it no doubt hastened my promotion to showers.

To this day, on the rare occasion I take a hot bath, a part of me flickers back to that sketch and makes me wonder, just for a moment, if that shark is hungry.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Broomstick Challenge Accepted - and Mastered!!

 Junie made it happen lol

Jussie Smollett

Former “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett was indicted today but I thought they dropped all charges a LONG time ago. I’m so confused. - Lisa

Me - The judge unilaterally reversed the agreement to drop charges and, fearing a DA's office that looked compromised, appointed a special prosecutor from outside the DA office. That's who filed charges now

No Pit Bulls Here

So I think the first “pit-bull kills its owner” story of the year is out. A 5 year old. Enter the crowds to claim how harmless pits are, how it’s the owners fault, or the child’s fault.

I’ve had more then one vet and more then one rescue professional share similar beliefs as mine about this beloved breed, but their years of experience and knowledge means nothing against your personal experience 👍🏻🙄. I understand wanting to give anyone, including dogs the benefit of the doubt, but not with MY family.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Unplanned - a quick review

UNPLANNED is the story of a Planned Parenthood director who defects to the pro-life movement.

It is propaganda, to be sure, but treats the subject with more of an even hand then you would guess; there are abusive protesters, and violent ones,  genuinely caring PP employees, and determined pro-choice patients.

What it lacks is a strong lead and a deft screenwriter, as the legal drama should have been the throughline that tightened up this drama

I doubt UNPLANNED will change any minds. But it might start a debate or two.

#unplanned #movie


 UNPLANNED is the story of a Planned Parenthood director who defects to the pro-life movement.

It is propaganda, to be sure, but treats the subject with more of an even hand then you would guess; there are abusive protesters, and violent ones, genuinely caring PP employees, and determined pro-choice patients.
What it lacks is a strong lead and a deft screenwriter, as the legal drama should have been the throughline that tightened up this drama
I doubt UNPLANNED will change any minds. But it might start a debate or two.