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Sunday, June 7, 2020

A Message from the State Bar

As the leadership of the State Bar of Wisconsin, we are disturbed and disgusted by the actions of an attorney who allegedly spat in the face of a protester during a demonstration on Saturday. We do not condone this behavior under any circumstance – period. 

The State Bar of Wisconsin champions integrity, civility, and respect in dealings with the public, colleagues, clients, and the courts. The behavior of lawyers and others directly contributes to the public’s confidence in our justice system. We unequivocally support equal justice and the right of all citizens to peacefully protest. 

 News reports indicate local Shorewood officials are handling this matter with charges being referred to the district attorney’s office this week. While the State Bar has no authority to discipline lawyers, the State of Wisconsin Office of Lawyer Regulation investigates complaints and ultimately the Wisconsin Supreme Court imposes sanctions on licensed attorneys.

Jill Kastner, president 
Kathy Brost, president-elect 
Cheryl Daniels, incoming president-elect 
Chris Rogers, past president
Larry Martin, executive director

Voting and BLM

Probably the first and last time Shaun King and I will ever agree on anything.

On Defunding the Police

"Defund the police" has to be the most shortsighted political goal of these protests.

Eliminate the post 911 militarization of police forces, sure. I'm all for rectifying that error. But defunding the police department itself, while simultaneously advocating the restriction of the 2nd Amendment? Who thought that sounded like a good plan? 

And yes, I know "defund" leaves a semblance of a police force intact, albeit much smaller and, in most plans, much neutered.

Essentially, even in articles meant to promote this concept, it's a matter of passing the buck: making other, as yet not extant, entities, assume the policing functions of the mentally ill, the homeless, and minorities. 

Do you really think this will affect celebrities like Natalie Portman and Chrissy Tiegan, both of whom support the idea? You think they won't hire private, heavily armed security for their precious mansions, while leaving the poor to suffer without protection? They will. 

And once again, it's the poor and the marginalized that will suffer.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

My Thoughts - James Garfield

Am I the only person annoyed at all the newfound love for James Garfield? Through no fault of his own (he was, of course, assassinated as his term began) he had no opportunity to create a Presidential track record. The assumption he would have been great is backed up by nothing but the imagination of unprincipled historians. Bugger off with that sh#t.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Monday, June 1, 2020

Covid Continues to Destroy Summer

More Chaos

PER WTMJ: Protesters have moved to the area of Milwaukee Police District 5 near 5th and Locust, where several people have climbed on top of a Burger King
and from Fox 6, this is from Locust and MLK:

Saturday, May 30, 2020


The Mayor's Response to the Riots

From the Mayor:
The City of Milwaukee has declared a state of emergency in response to the unlawful and violent actions that occurred last night. An emergency curfew has been ordered for the entire City of Milwaukee from May 30 at 9 p.m. until May 31 at 7 a.m. Everyone must cease vehicular and pedestrian travel on public way, streets, sidewalks and highways and return to their homes, places of work or other convenient places. Government, social services, and credentialed press acting in their official capacity are exempt from this order. Violation of curfew will lead to arrest and a fine of $691.

Space X

The world of the here and now might seem bleak. But today an important step was taken for the future of the human race, should we ever pull our act together.

Thursday, May 28, 2020


Murder. Nothing but. [deleted video of the George Floyd arrest in Minneapolis]

Saturday, May 23, 2020

For Free

2 rolls of super pretty different sized orange, pink and green butterflies. They would be great for a kids room or an art project (scrapbooking) It used to have blue but those were used. 

They aren’t super sticky so glue or tape might be needed. But I do have popcorn drywall so they may stick better to flat walls : ) - Lulu