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Sunday, June 7, 2020

On Defunding the Police

"Defund the police" has to be the most shortsighted political goal of these protests.

Eliminate the post 911 militarization of police forces, sure. I'm all for rectifying that error. But defunding the police department itself, while simultaneously advocating the restriction of the 2nd Amendment? Who thought that sounded like a good plan? 

And yes, I know "defund" leaves a semblance of a police force intact, albeit much smaller and, in most plans, much neutered.

Essentially, even in articles meant to promote this concept, it's a matter of passing the buck: making other, as yet not extant, entities, assume the policing functions of the mentally ill, the homeless, and minorities. 

Do you really think this will affect celebrities like Natalie Portman and Chrissy Tiegan, both of whom support the idea? You think they won't hire private, heavily armed security for their precious mansions, while leaving the poor to suffer without protection? They will. 

And once again, it's the poor and the marginalized that will suffer.

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