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Monday, March 29, 2021


It's Not that Complicated

 All this! It’s not that complicated! - Lisa

 My 15 year old cat Angel, who loves me more than anyone ever has and more than I deserve had been to the vet a few times recently and costing us money we can afford to lose.

Man I hope God let’s me keep her a few more years - Lisa

Saturday, March 27, 2021


My Thoughts -

 One problem with Hollywood inserting diversity into film without regard for historical fact is this: I just watched a fine show, set in LA in 1932. A character, formerly white in all prior incarnations, was now African-American. As was to be sadly expected, esp given his job,, he experienced discrimination, a glass ceiling, and occasionally outright bigotry. I thought the character was actually handled pretty well; he isn't my complaint.

The issue is that while he was handled honestly enough, AT THE SAME TIME the producers inserted African-American extras into every church gathering, every public event, and every street scene. Apparently, American life was fully and serenely racially integrated by 1932. Even the bigots that harassed the beforementioned character seemed nonplussed at sharing a table with a black man, or with white woman spending time alone with an African American man.
So what does that make the character? Is he a victim of racial discrimination - after all, it seems largely confined to only him - or is it just one of those people that inspires dislike in everyone he meets? How do the producers reconcile the conflicting treatment? Aren't they watering down and confusing their message, when 80% of the time a causal, ignorant viewer is seeing racial harmony IN 1932!!?

Thursday, March 25, 2021

RIP Beverly Cleary

I was nearly brought to tears by the news that Beverly Clearly died today at the age of 104.

I read "Henry and Ribsy" in 1st grade, the first true "book" I ever attempted, and for the last 40 years I've remained a devoted fan of her work
Henry Huggins. Ribsy. Ralph the Mouse. Beezus. Ramona. Every one of them a friend.
RIP Mrs. Cleary. You made a difference in this world.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Bigots were Wrong

The Colorado shooter has been identified as 21 year old Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa.

Those of you who made snide little jabs about the alleged ethnicity of the murderer before his identity was established - as if somehow the death of innocents is a "win" if the killer has skin color A as opposed to color B - kindly try being informed AND opinionated, not just the latter.

Movie Trivia

Here's some neat trivia: Despite being screen icons for 40+ years, Henry Fonda and Katherine Hepburn had never met prior to filming "1981's  "On Golden Pond."


 Who needs a 16th bday banner? I’d like to pass it on - Lisa

The Colorado Shooter

The Colorado shooter has been identified as 21 year old Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa. Those of you who made snide little jabs about the alleged ethnicity of the murderer before the ID (as if somehow the death of innocents is a "win" if the killer is this color A as opposed to color B), kindly try being informed AND opinionated, not just the latter.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Zach Snyder's Justice League

An incredible film, superior in every way to the Whedon version; four hours passed in the blink of an eye. Cyborg was now central to the story, as he should have been all along; Steppenwolf was, for lack of a better word, humanized by letting us see his motivation; and most surprising, the once laughable (Jared Leto) Joker was completely redeemed to the audience - I can't believe I'm saying it, but please, bring Leto back for more!

"I'm surprised how much better this movie is. It's really really an improvement." LuLu said.

I concur kid, I concur.

Justice League - The Snyder Cut


An incredible film, superior in every way to the Whedon version; four hours passed in the blink of an eye. Cyborg was now central to the story, as he should have been all along; Steppenwolf was, for lack of a better word, humanized by letting us see his motivation; and most surprising, the once laughable (Jared Leto) Joker was completely redeemed to the audience - I can't believe I'm saying it, but please, bring Leto back for more! "I'm surprised how much better this movie is. It's really really an improvement." Lulu said. I concur kid, I concur.


How I feel speaking with Marvel fanboys butthurt by the Snyder Cut getting the attention it deserves.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Spring Shoots

 Spring is here, which means.. warmer weather and clearer skies! Be sure to book your spring shoots now.

I have recently updated my prices on my website, check them out! Any quotes given before today (3/21/21) will be honored. As usual, a minimum of a $20 deposit is required when booking.

- YaYa 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

True Story

 True story: I once was given a cinnamon cupcake with cream cheese frosting by one of my offspring. I won’t name names but the name starts w an “o” and ends with an “ivia”. I repeatedly told this child how it was the best cupcake of my life, how I couldn’t stop thinking about said desert. That was two weeks ago, they are sold where she works, she works a lot. I think it’s time to update that last will and testament. - Lisa


Saturday, March 13, 2021

Dad- “I am going for a walk...make an advance that is spurned, get annoyed and watch bbc America into the wee hours”

Mom- “All nerds get rejected by women and then go watch British tv”
Dad “I am not a nerd, I am a quiet intellectual”
Mom “Is that what they call nerds these days?”

- Lisa

RIP Marvin Hagler


Gone too soon Champ. 

Monday, March 8, 2021

 On this day in 1887, the village of Bay View was sadly absorbed into the City of Milwaukee. #WeShallRiseAgain

Smiley Got his Driver's License

Smiley got his driver’s license today!


No test because of Covid, crazy times! I’m confident in his abilities however, just a bit in shock that I’m now a mother of three licensed drivers! How’d that happen?! - Lisa

Sunday, March 7, 2021