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Friday, October 7, 2022

An odd gift, but thank you

Someone found a dead moth outside and gave it to me - Smiley

Says Junie:

ISO Non-working Phone

ISO: a cell phone. doesn’t need to work. 

The highschool my siblings go to require them to turn in their phones at the beginning of the day. it’s not the best neighborhood or school so we’d like them to have their actual phone on them to be able to contact anyone if need be.

- LuLu

An Unexpected Bonus

Here's an unexpected bonus from my bird feeder at work. The local chipmunks made a habit of stealing sunflower seeds, dropped by the birds, and burying them in the big pots on the patio. These pots, I'm told, have not (intentionally) held plants since Covid broke out.  

Apparently chipmunks have short memories, because these seeds, instead of becoming chipmunk din-din, started to grow. 

And now, by virtue of my bird feeder, I have grown pots full of sunflowers that now grace the patio! LOL

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Biden To Pardon (some) Federal Weed Offenses

Like his predecessor, it seems Biden is keeping many campaign promises, good/ bad and in-between. By and large, this is a good one.  

No one should be in prison soley for weed possession 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022


Loretta Lynn

The Queen of country music has passed away.  I remember her fondly from a childhood watching Coal Miners Daughter whenever it was on TV. She was 90 years old. 


Monday, October 3, 2022


someone you know has had an abortion. if you’re pro life and insist that nobody in your circles have, consider that they just might not feel safe telling you 🤷🏻‍♀️  - YaYa

Strange Move Kopps

Pro life day flavor at Kopp's now deleted. Hmmm...maybe delete the person who made the decision in the first place. 

Completely uninterested in going back to Kopps.

- Lisa


Sunday, October 2, 2022

A Fine Start to the Day

Our Sunday started out with Lisa running over a shard of metal and getting a flat.  Luckily she had a big strong man at home to change it.  Unfortunately Smiley was at work so it was left up to me. 

Saturday, October 1, 2022

60 Years Ago

60 years ago tonight Johnny Carson took over The Tonight Show

Wrong Number

Why I get 10 calls from the Milwaukee county jail and I couldn’t figure out who tf it was till I answered FINALLY and he’s like oh shit wrong number - YaYa

The Taste of Fall

Pumpkin spice means nothing to me. These are fall for me! Thanks Dan!  - Lisa

Sawyer Goes AWOL

Lost dog. Blond w tags. Name: Sawyer. Half huskie half golden retriever all harmless and foolish and blond. Has tags. Leapt from a car window he opened himself so quietly I didn't even notice til I got to my destination. He was still in car at Howard and clement. After that he escaped so quietly I didn't notice. I know that's absurd. Plz call tags if u see him. He won't hurt you. Has no jumping manners tho ...pic of his brother and apparent accomplice - Lisa

hey, our dog Sawyer got loose. he’s super friendly and is sure to come up to you. Please contact the numbers on his collar. he has a collar and a harness. Somewhere in the bayview/st francis airport area - LuLu


Obviously, this ruined our morning. Four people, three cars, and we didn't so much as get a glimpse of him. I was mad at Lisa for losing my boi and though I hid it well (but apparently not), and so there went our day. 

Luckily, sometime around 11 Lisa called the pound and yup, they had him; he'd been picked up by the St. Francis police and escorted to the pound. He left the house with a harness, two collars, tags, and a microchip, but they claimed he had no tags and no chip (MAADC found the chip right away). 

Anyway, the dumb boy is home where he belongs. 

Friday, September 30, 2022

A Memory

one of my earliest memories is dad freaking out when using the bat on that mouse. - Lulu

Wednesday, September 28, 2022


Rapper Coolio, best known for his epic Gangsta's Paradise, has died at age 59.

Great song.  Great hair. 


Saturday, September 24, 2022

Louise Fletcher

Louise Fletcher, an Oscar winner for her role of Nurse Ratched, but best known in this house as the Grandmother from Flowers in the Attic, has died at age 88.


My other Birdies

Lest you think my birding is reserved for work, this is my backyard at this moment:

700 Home Runs!

I have never been much of a Pujols fan, in part because he spent much of his career as a Cardinal.

Yet there is no denying the magnitude of what he's accomplished with a bat. To hit 700 home runs - becoming only the 4th man in 150 years of baseball to cross that threshold - is truly an awesome accomplishment. 

Now 1-2 in fantasy football, with no one in the MNF game and down by 7 points. Dangit all.

Friday, September 23, 2022

My birdies

One of the best things about my new job - aside from the pay, sunlight, weekends off, and respect - is that I petitioned to install a bird feeder outside my window, putting a wealth of birds three feet from me most of the day. There are masses of sparrows, the rare red winged blackbird appearance, cardinals, and a group of mourning doves that now entertain me daily.  There's even some bumblebees that bobble around the flowers next to it. 

I love it!


Thursday, September 22, 2022

So True

Milk Bottle Toys

My fave as a young girl so had to get them for my niece Caitlin when she was a young girl. I think I may have found them for my great niece too. They are magic! - Lisa

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Maury Wills

Seven time All-Star, 1962 MVP, and undeniable speed demon Maury Wills has died at 89.


Monday, September 19, 2022

On Pickles

- LuLu

Me? I have, in recent years, changed my position on pickles. I now agree with my friend Tre that they have no place, no place at all, on a burger.