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Monday, October 31, 2022

Carol Zolinski

My Aunt Carol passed away overnight, going to her maker at around 2:30 am - only 7 months after my Uncle, her husband of 37 years. 

She was alway super nice to my kiddos, made sure to include Lisa in the family when others pointedly did not, and usually had a cheerful, happy countenance. She will be missed :(

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Friday, October 28, 2022


Jerry Lee Lewis

For the second time this week (the first being a hoax) Jerry Lee Lewis has died. The rock 'n roll pioneer and rebel was 87. 

It's that "rebel" label that sticks in my head when I think of Lewis. He was far too out there for '50's audiences, no question. And let's be real, some of his choices would get the same response from society today - deservedly so. 

It's a shame he couldn't have traveled a smoother path, because I think all that bs cost him a career of unimaginable heights. 


Wednesday, October 26, 2022

I'm banned on r/Wisconsin on Reddit. Boohoo

Why was I permanently banned? 

Bc when a commentator blasted someone for spending their own money and demanded they be taxed to oblivion, I responded simply "Taxation is theft.  She can spend her money where she likes.  This is still a free country. "

That's it. No vulgarity.  No abuse. Just an opposing opinion 

Alas, the moderator cares neither for Wisconsin, civil discussion, or, apparently, the spelling of the word "trespassing."


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Saturday, October 22, 2022

20 years and 364 Days

i can not wait to have my first ever sip of alcohol this weekend (j/k) -YaYa (her 21st birthday starts in 21 minutes)


My Mom crocheted an entire bag full of hats, scarfs, ear warmers ...all sizes...all colors.Was supposed to drop at street angels when we dropped off lunches. Forgot. It's been taunting me from the back seat. Is there a teacher or principal who needs a supply for kids who forget? Or someone who can take what they want and get the rest to street angels or other ppl who need them? Relieve my guilt. Thanks! - Lisa

Colorful crocheted baby girl poncho. Maybe 12-18 mo...maybe smaller.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Lunch for Later - Volunteering for The Street Angels

This month we again volunteered for the Lunch for Later program with The Street Angels, a program where you prepare box lunches that are then distributed to the homeless community in Milwaukee. This time, at Lisa's request, we signed up to do 140 of them on her birthday as a gift to her while she was out of town. 

A few weeks ago we got all the kids to decorate the lunch bags. 

Recognizing that 140 full lunches was going to hit the wallet hard, I asked for some donations from my co-workers. I was expecting a box or two of snacks, and maybe a few drink mixes -  all of which would have been received with gratitude and thanks. 

What I got instead was an all out effort. Three co-workers personally donated food to the effort, and my company stepped up and purchased all  the chips for the lunches. 

Just incredible. Wow. 

Then I sent Smiley and Junie hit Woodman's to get the bread, lunchmeat, cheese, etc. 

Seeking to avoid the hassle of keeping our dogs and cats at bay, we assembled the lunches at my mother-in-law's place.  Now I could lie and say it was a wonderful bonding experience . . . BUT. 

In reality every single one of these people annoyed the heck out of me and I not once, but TWICE, stormed out and drove off before losing my s$@t  and saying something I would regret. 

Yeah. Not exactly a hallmark moment. But that's reality baby. 

Anyway, they got the job done. Later that night I returned with Junie to get all the lunches. 

Now you may ask, what's with the luggage Danny? Were you moving the in-law out? Ah contraire mon ami. That was the luggage we took to Vegas, which alas was cracked and rendered useless for Lisa's trip. We instead used it to transport the bagged lunches. 

Lisa's Mom also donated a bag of winter gear she knitted for the homeless. 

Today after school we dropped it all off. I took Dem and Beca, our exchange students with me, and later (since the drop off was on 27th near Mitchell) I took them on a tour of my old neighborhood. 

Available For Free

This is a comfortable, structurally intact reclining couch that breaks into 3 component pieces for transport.  No holes, burns, or bugs.  It has, alas, had the fake leather finish peeled off in several places by our dogs.  But if you have a blanket to throw across the cushions, can fix the peeling, and/or don't give a dang, you'll have a great couch.  Preference to whoever can get it soonest. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

48 Hours to Go! (Before flying out)

On her cruise's Facebook page:  

2417 door decor is a bit interactive. Add a star sticker  to the shows u were at that one of us was at too :). Also fcfs misc cozies, condoms and candies. Might not be a room to go specifically ...but if you happen to see us, play along!  :) 

- Lisa  

Friday, October 14, 2022

An Odd Call

Today at work I got call on my cell phone from Rodgers Memorial, a hospital known locally for its in-patient mental health facilities. 

It was a staff member saying a patient wanted to speak to me. They mentioned a name but in that moment - concerned that an unknown loved one had been admitted for a breakdown or God forbid a suicide attempt, I didn't let it register. 

I took my phone into the conference room for privacy.  In a moment a guy got on the phone and said hi. 

"Who's this?" I said. 

"Who are YOU?" he said, then giggled a freaky little laugh.

"You called me, dude."

More giggles.  "I just made up a number and they called it. What's your name?

And I hung up. 

Weird weird weird. 

Bruce Sutter

HOF reliever Bruce Sutter, who threw the final pitch of the 1982 World Series as a member of the Cardinals team that defeated my Brewers, died today at age 69.


Snow in Lincoln County

Smiley sent me this morning.  He's on a Senior retreat at Treehaven, up in Tomahawk.

As you can see it snowed there, something those of us in SE Wisconsin have happily avoided this fall.  

Still, there's no denying the beauty of a fresh snowfall. 

Thursday Night Football = Yawn

Last night was another awful night of football, with two largely incompetent teams  once again apparently competing to NOT score touchdowns. 

As a Packers fan I am content with the result last night (the Bears lost on what was admittedly an exciting final second play) but geesh.

Next week it's the undefeated Eagles vs the 4-1 Cowboys. Here's hoping it revives TNF.

Robbie Coltrane

Robbie Coltrane, best known as Hagrid in the Harry Potter films, and for starring in the British crime drama Cracker, has died at age 72. 


Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Tornado Warnings

We're under a tornado warning here at work and the building has been evacuated, with the staff grouped around the interior restrooms. 

The tornado sirens have been pretty constant.  It always takes awhile for the sediment to settle and the facts to be clear, but we've been told there's confirmed tornado touchdowns in Burlington, Whitewater, and New Berlin. 

Over at their job Lu and Lisa are hunkered down too.

We'll be fine. I hope the same for everyone in the path of the storm. 

7 Days!!

In one short week I'll be driving to O'Hare! Yay!!! Dan make sure u have off...ur my ride xo - Lisa

An Email from Junie's Teacher

Dear Mr. Slap

It is lovely to have a third Slap daughter go through my classroom. You have raised some strong willed young ladies, and I think each one keeps getting "stronger." Junie definitely has her opinions and is happy to share them. In general I take it as a compliment, because even though she complains about every book, film, audiobook, essay, etc that we read, she is knowledgeable enough to be able to critique things, which shows that she is paying attention and evaluating things she hears. 

Her daily work has been getting good grades (Proficient, meaning pretty good, missing somethings). 

She did not do the Analysis essay though, one we have been working on in class for the last week. It is still available in google classroom for her to submit and get a good grade on (until the end of October). 


Alexander Br-

Pronouns: he/him

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Angela Lansbury

 Angela Lansbury, star of stage and screen (I know her best from both Murder She Wrote and Beauty and the Beast) has died at age 96. RIP. 

Monday, October 10, 2022

40 Years Ago Today

40 years ago today, seated on the living room floor, I watched Robin Yount pick up a weak grounder and throw to Cecil Cooper for the final out of the 1982 ALCS. 

I will always remember Coop leaping off the bag with joy.

And I'll always remember my Grandpa clapping his hands together, leaning forward on his chair, and saying "Hot damn!"

I'm sick of celebrating these guys at every turn - give us another Brewers team to lionize already! - but today I say, sincerely: thanks for the memories. 

Sunday, October 9, 2022


Dinner tonight is white chicken chili n crunchy French bread rolls. Mmmm. Soup, it's what's for dinner!  -Lisa