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Showing posts with label hip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hip. Show all posts

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Smiley's Party

It was a great birthday party this afternoon. Not bad for the 49th bday party we've thrown as parents. Two hours of fun for everyone, and a double dose of OTC pain meds kept the hip in check enough for me to participate (albeit not without pain). Pics, no doubt, to follow.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

 My hip is on full blast this morning. It hurts just to stand.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

An Update

The scale was kind to me today, and I'm happy, but I've had to kibosh any real exercise for the last 48 because the hip keeps flaring up - oddly enough, not from the workouts, but from having to stand in one place at the post office for a third of an hour. That's death for the hip. Expect a nauseating gym post tomorrow.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Update: my hip

My hip is impairing my summer. It hurt much worse LAST year but I did a ton because the doc thought losing weight and staying active might heal it. Now that he says it's as good as it's ever going to be the idea of biking everywhere or walking miles with the (much reduced) pain just seems. . . exhausting. I have to get over this psychological hurdle.

Monday, June 6, 2016

A Hip Update

After a pair of walks this morning (one, by necessity, at Marquette) the hip has loosened and gone back to just a shade above the normal dull ache.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

My hip is on fire and I'm fidgeting like mad in class

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

unning x-rays and whatnot on the infamous hip at my doc's

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

My hip is 40% better than it was Monday-Tuesday, which is a shame, as the kids finally noticed and showed some concern (3 days into it!). I still went to work, I still went to class, I still tried to get Lisa into the sack. So life went on. But if the pain had continued as is another day, or comes back just as strong, then I'm gonna have to call the hip doc.

Monday, April 18, 2016

 With as bad as my hip has hurt since I woke up (and it's a doozy of a day), I feel like a bad-ass just for making it to class.

- at Marquette

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

An Update on the Hip

Earlier today I had the three month post-op checkup on my hip. The pain (which I ignore, except to constantly say "This f'ing hip") has lessened overall, and the doc thinks there's a decent chance it might dissipate for the most part by the six month mark. Although I'm fully mobile, the hip usually locks up about halfway through a shift at work or after a car ride; he attributes that to scar tissue that should also (fingers crossed) loosen up by that time. He also complimented my weight loss, pointing it out before he even glanced at the file. So all in all a good report. I'm certainly better than the month before and after surgery. Hope remains that I'll be stinking up a golf course by summer.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Came home from work two hours early because of the hip, and got a parking ticket for my trouble. All in all a very lucrative day

That Kid

YaYa:  When are you going to stop complaining about your hip?

Me: When it stops hurting. I still do what I have to do. If this was you, you'd spend all day in bed.

YaYa: That's a poor comparison. I prefer to spend all day in bed anyway.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My hip hurts from the (PT approved) workout at the gym. Not bad enough to gimp me, but bad enough so I have a legit excuse not to shovel this mess. I don't know what it's like elsewhere in Milwaukee, but there's a dang blizzard out my front window. Sometimes this block is meteorologically freaky; for all I know it's dry as a bone two blocks over.

Friday, February 26, 2016

The hip pain disappeared completely for ten minutes. Not even the constant ache of the last thirteen months. To celebrate I broke into a Charleston. Afterwards it hurt again, but #WorthIt.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Da HIp

 The hip pain was on full blast when I woke up, like I woke up midsurgery. It was bad enough I took painkillers before I even stumbled to the bathroom. Then I warned Lisa it was probably best to avoid me. I'm a right as*hole when its that bad. She's known me long enough to take the advice.

Someone asked over the weekend why the hip isn't healed yet and it's a comment that's still stuck in my craw. It isn't a damn skinned knee. There was lots of stuff wrong with it, some of which they fixed, some they couldn't, and there's the surgical pain on top of it. Overall its much better - I'm not on crutches am I? I'm working, and going to school, not sitting on the couch - but there's going to be bumps in the road. F, I'm grouchy today.

Wickedly proud of myself for sucking it up and making it to class, although the walking did me no favors.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Hip pain drove me back to the cane over the weekend, but it's lessening again. PT says it's probably just a muscle that got tweaked as my activity level increased

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Dance and the Hip

 I did something stupid to my hip last night while shopping at the pet store and it's been getting worse all day. Almost ready to grab the cane again. Almost. Can't sleep more than a few hours at a time and took my prescription for the first time in weeks. Ugh.

I did however take Smiley to his dance recital practice today, where 13 boys make up the largest male class in the 36 year history of the studio. #ProudPapa

Friday, February 19, 2016

 Back to back appointments two days in a row, plus work and school, means sleep has been in short supply. The hip is progressing fine. I've abandoned the cane and the pain is only notable - meaning rehabilitating - maybe twice a week. The physical therapist complimented my progress and work ethic, saying I'm ahead of where he and his coworkers thought I'd be by this time. Aiming for medical clearance on April 5th.