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Showing posts with label mass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mass. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Last night, knowing it was a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church, I attended a 6pm Mass. 

I was squeamish about going. My church attendance has been non-existent lately, not from a lack of Faith but just scheduling and old-fashioned human laziness. I was running a couple minutes late but thought I could easily sneak in; after all, there wouldn't be much of a crowd on a Tuesday night and they'd be grateful to have another guest. 

I was right, I easily snuck in, but for the opposite reason - it was so crowded no one noticed. 

Young and old, from infants to elderly; singles and couples, whole families, you name it, they were there. Heck, the parking lot was full, and I had to park "illegally" along the perimeter of the lot. 

I'm not sure why I miss Mass so often, aside from the before-mentioned laziness, because not only don't I find it boring (granted, I have a high tolerance for boredom, as my mind is always running) but I find it very moving and comforting. 

Anyway, $4 a pound. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

 I was super excited to see that Ash Wednesday Mass was a full house, and even happier to see Parker put on a dress shirt and pants without even being asked. May your Lent be a time of reflection and prayer.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Smiley and I went to Mass, and afterwards we lit two candles. One for his health, and one for YaYa's travels. It is what Lisa endearingly calls "Catholic Voodo," but I'll take all the help I can get.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

So Disrespectful

I saw something at Mass today I never have before: a few pews in front of me was a young woman and her son. She spent a chunk of the Mass on her phone, then abruptly got up to leave. Rather than ask the lady beside her to move, she stood on the pew bench and climbed over the pew. It was so unexpected that I found myself saying "No No No."

Saturday, January 7, 2017


The family went to evening Mass, then for a quick bite to eat - #KneelThenMeal - but otherwise nothing much happened today.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Kneel Then Meal

Lighting candles for my stepfather-in-law after Mass

Then post-Mass breakfast with #TeamSlap. Kneel then meal baby, kneel then meal.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

LuLu serves Mass!

This afternoon LuLu served Mass for the first time. You can't tell from the pictures, but she was suppressing a smile. The Priest thanked her, people in the congregation congratulated her, and we're very proud of her.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

 Getting ready for Easter Vigil, the ONLY Mass I don't have to threaten violence to get the kids to attend. Holding a candle in a dark church and betting on whether someone's hairspray catches fire really seems to inspire their Faith.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

My 42nd Birthday

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! 

To celebrate my 42nd we attended evening Mass together (although if I'd remembered it was Palm Sunday, I would have thought twice - as always, a long service LOL). 

Then #TeamSlap  headed over to TGI Friday's at Miller Park for dinner. We went all out, even letting the kids order Smoothies and appetizers. I ordered salmon and lobster, but was a little disappointed in both the serving size and the flavor. 

Once we got home I was serenaded with Happy Birthday and had some cake. My gifts (other than family time): a Gene Rayburn biography from Jennifer J, a wireless mouse for my laptop, workout shorts, a new wallet, and best of all: two packages of Peeps!  The kids then volunteered to go to the gym with me, but I was pooped.

 A fine birthday

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Kneel Then Meal

Post-Mass dinner of homemade french fries, ground round hamburgers infused with Worcestershire sauce, topped by lettuce, mushrooms, pepper jack cheese, pickles and 1000 island dressing on a butter grilled sesame seed bun.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

YaYa's First Job

Thanks to her cousin Caitlin, YaYa landed a one night job at a local restaurant, filling in for someone that called in sick. While she worked her butt off babysitting over the summer, this marks my oldest' s first day at a "real" job. #ProudDad #ProudMom

Because she was working, YaYa got out of Mass tonight. Because I messed up the time, the rest of #TeamSlap (and LK's friend Alyssa) showed up for church after it was half over, so . . . you're welcome kids. Following Mass we treated everyone to a chicken dinner at the church. It was pricey, and may curtail some weekend activities, but church should be followed by a good meal. :)

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Darn Right

At Mass this evening the Priest gave a homily centered around the life of Vincent Willem van Gogh. As the story progressed he went on about how "a doctor" helped van Gogh, about how "a doctor" saved his life in his hour of need, about how "a doctor" was there for him, etc. 

I elbowed YaYa and leaned over. "Not *a* doctor," I whispered, "THE Doctor"

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A great day

A good day overall, and a happy opposite to Friday's misery. Dance in the morning, then a nap, followed by Mass (the priest led off the sermon with a discussion about Aaron Rodgers' injury), then dinner with the family and two of Lu's friends. :)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Attended Vern S's funeral Mass with YaYa and paid our respects, then in an abrupt about face took Smiley to his first ever trip to the batting cages. More on that last part later.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


On the way to church this morning LuLu had what may very well be the worst, most disrespectful temper tantrum of her life - and in full view of a family friend. That pretty much ruined the morning for us. It's not that I think my kids are worse than other people's - I've met your children, sir, and without the benefit of your rose colored glasses - but for bleep's sake, what's Dad's #1 rule: Hide your cray-cray, esp in public.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


 Yesterday, in our standard Saturday evening post-Mass dinner out, we stopped into Hamburger Mary's. If you're not familiar, Hamburger Mary's is a kitschy, gay-themed eatery here in Bay View. During dinner one of the TV's was playing the movie "My Best Friend's Girl".

When asked how everything was, I told the waiter "The foods fine, but how can you play a Dane Cook movie and expect people to want to eat?" The table was suddenly quiet. Apparently, Lisa (and possibly the waiter) heard it as "How can you pay a gay cook and expect people to eat", which is just a weeeeee bit of a different thing.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Dinner with my Godmother

Last night we saw my Aunt Jackie and Uncle George at Mass and invited them to eat dinner with us afterwards. What followed was a very nice dinner and conversation at Denny's. Thanks go to them for accepting, and for the kids (LuLu and Junie) for being good throughout a long dinner dominated by adult conversation!

Also, before I forget; when I complimented LK on being good in church she said she 'had to be' because she didn't want to get "left behind like last time" - meaning when she was a terror in church and we left her with Entourage and took the other kids out to eat. Huh. Whaddaya know, a punishment/deterrent that WORKED. Maybe we'll get the hang of this parenting thing yet.

Cookie Booth

This morning, for the 3rd of 4th year in the row, LuLu and I manned the Girl Scout cookie booth at the early mass at St. Paul's.  I'm kinda proud of that.

On a small side note, having listened now to the sermon at both St. Paul's and Immaculate Conception this weekend, I can say that Father Ron had a deeper grasp of the week's readings and formed it into a great, inspiring sermon. He gets the 'W' this week.

Dinner with my Godmother

Last night we saw my Aunt Jackie and Uncle George at Mass and invited them to eat dinner with us afterwards. What followed was a very nice dinner and conversation at Denny's. Thanks to them for accepting, and for the kids (Lu and Junie) for being good throughout a long dinner dominated by adult conversation!

Also, before I forget; when I complimented Junie on being good in church she said she 'had to be' because she didn't want to get "left behind like last time" - meaning when she was a terror in church and we left her with Entourage and took the other kids out to eat. Huh. Whaddaya know, a punishment/deterrent that WORKED. Maybe we'll get the hang of this parenting thing yet.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Quote of the Day

Quote of the day: Junie's class was singing a song at Mass today, and she was super excited. She found her Easter dress and matching socks all on her own and had Lisa put French braids in her hair. After school Lisa asked the older girls how LK did standing in front of the whole church. "She did great," one of them said. Then she paused and reconsidered. "Well, she did great - until she started picking her nose."