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Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Last night, knowing it was a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church, I attended a 6pm Mass. 

I was squeamish about going. My church attendance has been non-existent lately, not from a lack of Faith but just scheduling and old-fashioned human laziness. I was running a couple minutes late but thought I could easily sneak in; after all, there wouldn't be much of a crowd on a Tuesday night and they'd be grateful to have another guest. 

I was right, I easily snuck in, but for the opposite reason - it was so crowded no one noticed. 

Young and old, from infants to elderly; singles and couples, whole families, you name it, they were there. Heck, the parking lot was full, and I had to park "illegally" along the perimeter of the lot. 

I'm not sure why I miss Mass so often, aside from the before-mentioned laziness, because not only don't I find it boring (granted, I have a high tolerance for boredom, as my mind is always running) but I find it very moving and comforting. 

Anyway, $4 a pound. 

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