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Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Flash

Last night I watched this summer's "The Flash" with LuLu. After grossing only $268 million worldwide, it is widely considered one of the biggest box office bombs in history. It may cost Warner up to $200 million in losses, and effectively end many of the future projects hinted at in the movie, affecting the course of many a career. 

It has also , from what I've personally seen online, been universally derided by fans and dismissed as a lousy film.

Well. Humans being humans, they quickly fall into lockstep.  I doubt most of those people ever even saw the film, because you know what?

It ain't half bad.  I liked it.

I'll admit it started poorly, with a ham fisted comedic opening. Haha, the fastest man alive is always late for work. What a witty idea! And the CGI in the hospital scene was downright embarrassing.  15 minutes in I thought the critics were right and I was in for another Black Adam.

Then it turned right around. In the end I think this ranks up there with the first Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and the Snyder Cut Justice League.

Keaton's Batman was the supposed to be the fan favorite draw of the film, but I didn't think it contributed anything all that great to the film, and I actually think the character was one upped by Sasha Calle's Supergirl. That's a shame, because I think you could have done a lot with him. Instead, we got bitter old Luke Skywalker, alone in retirement. Yawn.

On the other hand Ezra Miller, he of the constant legal and moral trouble, is probably to blame for the public reaction at the box office. But he's a helluva Flash, and the most annoying part of the characterization (the bumbling social idiot routine) finally ended once he had to play mentor to his younger/ alternate self. He does a grand job of carrying the film. By the end I think he put DC into a heck of a jam, because I can't picture another actor playing the role as well. 

Anyway, you've probably read or seen all the spoilers as the whole world seemed to abandon all customary F's when it came to this movie lol, but I'm going to honor custom and end the review here, before I give too much away.

Long story short, it's an enjoyable film.  I grade it a B.

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