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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Dinner with YaYa

This evening, after a long day at work and a trip down to East Troy pick up a Facebook Marketplace item, I went over to Yaya's apartment for dinner and a movie.

The place where we were going to get food was closed for the day, so I wound up at Papa Murphy's where I picked up a pizza for us to share. The place was packed, the preparation area was a mess, and the staff frazzled. As I waited there the cashier abruptly decided that no one from that point forward  would be allowed to order pizza, which kind of defeats the purpose of a pizza restaurant. He also ran outside to confront an angry customer who stormed out, which is pretty bold considering said cashier weighed all of a hundred pounds soaking wet. 

I do grow tired of so much drama and anger as life goes on. It seems to be growing more common too. Ugh. 

Anyhow, we cooked up the pizza at YaYa's apartment and I must say, for once I got the timing just right. It was great. 

Then we fired up Netflix and put on Big George Foreman, biographical film about the two-time heavyweight champion turned preacher and product pitchman. 

The  movie went through Foreman's life in a straight chronological order, and I'll admit that it had a pretty pedestrian script. At times you could have mistaken this for a good TV  movie of the week - back when such things actually still existed. 

That isn't to say that I didn't enjoy the movie. It was entertaining, even if you don't like boxing, and as I happen to love the sport I enjoyed it all the more.  Foreman's life has all the ups and downs and crazy twists you need to keep a story going, even when the folks doing the telling stumble-bumble a bit in the execution. 

I grade the film a B if you like boxing, a C+ if you don't. 

Anyway, it was a genuinely fun and relaxing evening with my oldest and I appreciate the invite. Boo to my grandkitty Atticus tho,  who acted put out by my presence lol

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