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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Junie's 16th Birthday pt 1


To celebrate  Junie's Sweet 16th, I’ll be taking her on a road trip to the Mall of America in Bloomington MN.  As she’s invited her 4 close friends, I’ll be renting a larger car for the trip, so I do ask that extra care is taken when eating or drinking on the road!

Because it is 5 hours away, we ask that your child be ready at our house by 8am on August 7th. We’ll be staying in two rooms at the Fairfield Inn and Suites in Bloomington (2401 American Boulevard East, Bloomington, MN 55425)  The stay includes a free breakfast and use of the pool, so be sure to pack a swimsuit.

We’ll visit the Mall (which includes an amusement park inside!), swim at the hotel, and eat at a locally famous burger joint to  enjoy a “Juicy Lucy.”

We expect to return to Milwaukee very late on the 8th. If you can’t pick up your child until the morning, they can stay overnight, but please let us know.

We’re covering the transportation and hotel, as well as snacks and birthday cake, but please bring money for the mall (inc the amusement park) and meals.

Oh, and send us your favorite beverages and snacks so we can prep for the road!

Please contact me with any questions or concerns at  xxx-xxx-xxxx.



That's the text message we sent out to the parents of the Core Four - the four friends in Junie's immediate circle.

Alas, the trip ended before it began. The rental car company gave away the seven-seater she reserved and offered Lisa a five seat vehicle. Never mind the fact that seven people (Lisa, Junie, her friends, and Grandma) headed out to Minnesota. She even went down to a second car rental agency and got the same result. All this, after waiting in line for a good long time.

Thankfully, my Mazda seats seven.  So Lisa called me and had me bring it back from work and exchange it with her own car.  After a couple hours  unexpected delay, they were on the way.

Five or six hours later they were in Bloomington getting dolled up at the hotel.

The kids took the shuttle bus from the hotel to the mall for a few hours while Lisa and her Mom picked up the cake I'd ordered. There was some difficulty finding the group at the mall - it is HUGE after all - but find them Lisa did, at the neighboring IKEA. 

Then it was out for a traditional Juicy Lucy burger at Matt's, which I'm told they all enjoyed minus one friend  (K) who of course had to order chicken instead and be difficult.

Here's Junie's birthday cake, ordered from a bakery in Bloomington. The images on the cake as well as the writing come from a custom design I ordered online. This is the third consecutive birthday where she has Finn Wolfhard on the cake.

Back home in Milwaukee the rest of Team slab gathered around our dining room table and over a FaceTime, I gave Junie the Polish birthday blessing while Lisa did the honors of tying the ribbon.

Then we did her a happy birthday and a good night, and she and her friends went down to the pool to get some swimming in. Day two awaited.

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