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Monday, August 14, 2023

The First Day of the 2023-24 School Year

And then there was 1. How'd this happen? Have the best 1st day as an upperclassman Junie! ❤️  - Lisa 

Forgive the crude edit on the sign. I'm under no illusion that you can't figure out Junie's name if you sniff around this site long enough, but why make it easy? 

Last night Lisa picked up Insomnia cookies as a "last day of summer vacation" treat, and Junie walked us through a detailed tour of her new backpack and its accoutrements.

 She also showed off her back-to-school outfit, but this *isn't* the same shirt. Alas, I'm at work and couldn't inquire about the change. 

For the record, I am NOT happy to see her return to school. I was never happy to see my kids go back, not after Summer break, not after Christmas; I enjoy their company, and I view parents that celebrate the day with a fair amount of suspicion. 

Anyway, I've already shed a few tears over this, so I'm signing off before there's more waterworks. 

Have a great first day of Junior year Junie!

- Dad

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