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Friday, August 11, 2023

Hospital Gowns, Battered Cod, and a New 'Do

Disregard the hospital gown, as nothing was wrong. I was just in for a colonoscopy/endoscopy ordered by my doc because of my age. And no, I'm not as happy to have a camera up my bum as I appear here lol

I had been spooked by a bunch of people warning me the lead up to the procedure  aka the colon cleanse, was torturous. I didn't think it was bad.  Tiring, and I developed a headache from being dehydrated, but that's it. By the time Smiley drove me to the 10am procedure, I just wanted it over and done. 

Unfortunately, the guy in front of me in the queue passed out when getting his IV  - don't get me started on what I think of him - and delayed my time on the table. So I sat in a hospital gown and watched the Simpson's "Dome" episodes while they fanned and doted on the first guy. 

An hour later I woke up from the anesthesia, was told I was good to go for the next ten years, and sent on my way via a ride from Lisa. 

Anyhow, the moral of the story is, if you're an old man like me, listen to your doctor and get the procedure.


After a few hours recovery at home, I took Junie for a haircut and styling at a salon on the East side. 

Here's the before pic: 

The "during" pic: 

And the after: 

Then, not having eaten anything for 46 hours at that point, I feasted on a fish fry from Saraphinos, while Junie had pizza. 

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