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Friday, September 11, 2009

Eight Years On

Today is the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. I don't think there are any major events scheduled to mark the date, and I'm fine with that. Stress the 'big' anniversaries, of course, but in years like this have faith in your fellow Americans; know that they'll bow their heads at some point in the day and remember the lost.

Man, that was a awful day. Words will never be able to describe it. Still, as recent as it feels in my head, I have to stop and remember that each and every one of my kids had yet to be born when the towers fell, yet my oldest is now in third grade. That seems crazy.

Time runs away from all our memories, the good and the bad.

* * * *

I'm not planning in any way to politicize the anniversary, and I wish others would do the same. But while I'm not angered by the following headline on, I am left shaking my head: U.S. Muslims Fear Backlash for 9/11

If the need exists to run with a 9/11 headline - and does it? - there are better avenues to explore. Why run an article in which the interview subjects admit nothing much has happened to them because of 9/11, then or in the eight years since? How is that news? And why run such an empty piece under a fear-mongering headline?

Why, even on 9/11, is there such an obsessive need for some news agencies to find fault with the American people, and our character - to the point where they'll even massage a story to create an angle?

When the towers fell Lisa and I were living in a predominantly Muslim apartment building. It was the two of us, a middle aged white guy across the hall, and a building of Pakistini, Saudi, and Palestinian families. We exchanged cards on the holidays, we asked about each others families, and we shared meals (yes, even goat).

I wrote the following on the fifth anniversary of the attack:

For days [after 9/11] my neighbors would not step foot outside their doors, fearful of retaliation. In the end we knocked and offered to buy them groceries. My wife embraced one of the women and told them not to be afraid, that we didn’t hold them responsible.

It wasn't long at all before things were back to normal. No one threatened them, no one harmed them, no one treated them any differently, nor did they feel compelled to change their own way of life.

I'm PROUD of the way my country treated our Muslim population in the wake of the attacks, as we all should be. Somewhere, at sometime, was someone cursed at or even threatened? I'm sure. We are a nation of 300 million people, and not all of them angels. But we, AS A SOCIETY, reacted with compassion and understanding.

Not for one moment do I believe there's another country that would have acted as well when embraced by the dark emotions that day inspired.

Anyway, I just needed to get that off my chest.

To the victims of that day: Rest in Peace.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our Camping Trip pt 2

Once Lisa returned we took the kids to enjoy the family activites in the park. We started out on a bounce mat.

Then hit the playground.

The kids, unfortunately, were again awful. Ugh, it was not a good morning to that point.

They all wanted to hit the water park, but first I wanted to play miniature golf. We were adament that for once the kids actually play by the rules, and you can imagine how that went.

But actually, for most of the nine holes we played the kids kept it together. There was even a shocker from Smiley. When LuLu lingered near the hole on his turn, he barked "[LuLu] 'et off my gween!"

We joined in a game of musical dots, where YaYa placed second

then grabbed something to eat before hitting the water park.

This picnic basket would fill up, sound a horn as a warning, then dump the water on the bathers below. It was great, hitting you like a good massage.

As usual Lisa spent time in the water with them while I stayed on the sidelines and concentrated on looking pretty, but then an oddity: I got up and spent most of the time in the water, taking the kids down the water slides and enjoying the basket waterfall.

For a few minutes Lisa took them out of the waterpark to have a swing at a pinata.

None of them cracked it open, but they all shared the booty.

Once they returned we played in the water for quite a while, and then, at YaYa's request, hit the water balloon fight arena.

Smiley had a busted water balloon on his head, and no matter what he wouldn't take it off.

The kids were great from the moment we hit the waterpark, btw. All in all it was a fine experience, and I definitely think it won't be 22 years before I go camping again.

Aw, c'mon, tell me you watched it eh?

If you forgot to watch Glee yesterday evening, get with it grandpa. Set the DVR next time. Next to Lost, it is easily the best hour of broadcast TV out there.

If you remembered it was on but chose not to watch . . . well, no use sugarcoating it. You're a bad person. A bad, bad person. You probably steal candy from tots and kick little puppies for fun too, eh?


Watch Glee, Wednesdays at 9/8 central on FOX.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Fantasy Football Draft, 2009

Socialist invited (coerced me really) into taking the last slot in a fantasy football league his buddy Luke is running. We were supposed to draft over the weekend but the commish f*ed it up, and so the dirty deed was completed last night, just in time to conflict with the Jon Gosselin interview on ABC.

It was an online Yahoo live draft in serpentine fashion, and as normal I got stuck in the middle of the selection order.

I started out ok, grabbing Larry Fitzgerald and Marion Barber with my first two picks. With the third round QB's started disappearing from the board, and I grabbed Packer Aaron Rodgers. I wanted him for his numbers, but I also think it's important to keep at least one hometown player on your squad. Karmic loyalty and all that. I then picked Ronnie Brown and Antonio Bryant, and realized a problem. Both my RB's have the same bye week. That's sloppy research on my part, but hey, I spent all of 15 minutes prepping for this thing.

That meant I was going to need to load up on RB's on my bench, as they are hard to come by on the trading table. While I knew he was going to miss some weeks, I figured Marshawn Lynch was the best of who was still on the board. Then I went and screwed up again. I'm glad I picked up Santana Moss at WR, but that meant that two of my three starting wideouts had the same bye week. C'mon! About time I learned how to find the 'bye' category on the draft stat page, eh?

In the next round defences were the big thing, and I grabbed Tennessee. Then - AGAIN - a bye week fiasco. I picked up Jay Cutler, who shares the same bye week as Rodgers. Shoot me. Shoot me now.

I chose Longwell and Zach Miller to finish off my team minimums, then concentrated on repairing the damage I'd done to my own chances.

I grabbed Miami's D as a backup, then picked up TD specialist 'Tim Hightower at RB. After selecting Winslow as backup TE, I grabbed Isaac Bruce as an alternative at WR. I'll still have to sit leave one WR slot empty during that massive bye week, but it's better than sacrificing the points rich RB slot.

With the last pick of my draft I faced a quandry. I had no backup kicker, but still needed to work out the QB bye. I chose Chad Pennington, adding a third QB to my roster, with the idea I can trade one of them after the bye and pick up a kicker for one week if need be.

I think it's a solid enough roster, but sloppily compiled. That bye week really messed with my plans, and I've got no one to blame but myself. Oh, and Socialist for tossing this in my lap at the last minute.

Wish me luck!


Don't forget to watch the series premiere of "Glee" on Fox, tonight at 9/8 central.

On Socialized Medicine

Let's start out with some ground rules: opposition to socialized medicine is not opposition to reform, nor does it indicate a diabolical wish to watch millions suffer without medical care. Ideas like that are the stuff of political pornography, poorly crafted urban myths put forth to discredit opposition to the White House. It's wrong, factually and ethically, and frankly, it's downright silly.

If you continue to believe those tall tales, it will do you no good to continue reading. But if you keep an open mind, by all means, pull up a seat.

When it comes to discussing health insurance reform, my experiences are not unique, but I think they're far from typical. This argument has increasingly become a tit-for-tap of anecdotal evidence, almost all of it referring to a friend or a 'friend of friend' with a sad tale to tell. Well, in my lifetime - MY lifetime, not that of someone I know- I've been covered by both good and 'bad' private insurance - and by its public equivalent.

I know what it's like to pay upwards of $500 a month for insurance when you're making $10 an hour, and what it's like to count out coins to pay for your wife's medicine. I've been hit with a garnishment to pay off my daughter's hospital bills. And, I've had private insurance so thorough that I had twenty consecutive weeks of dental work without paying so much as a dime. All true.

I've also known the shame (and, make no mistake about it, the relief) of being seen under the banner of a state insurance card. I've seen how it rations care (not in theory a bad thing), allocating resources to cast the widest net possible while sacrificing both 'quality' of care and the self-worth of the patient. There are exceptions, of course, wonderful doctors going the extra mile for their charge and accomplishing great things. But if the devil is in the details, than at its purest form socialized medicine is as demon free as your nearest place of worship.

I object to Obamacare on several fronts: Politically, I find the expansion of federal power an abuse of our government's purpose, and an unwelcome intrusion into our private lives. Philosophically, I think it is a corruption of the ideals of self-reliance and independence that forged this nation and its people. Economically, I think it is vague to the point of fantasy, and destined to be an albatross around the neck of our nation for generations to come, and Pragmatically, I think it fails to accomplish the purpose for which it was designed.

Unlike other sites that argue for/against the issue, I won't devote much time addressing my first few objections. I have no interest in joining the vast number of bloggers who constantly preach to the choir. (what's the point in that??)

If you believe in Obamacare, then by definition you disagree with me on those early points. You either believe - or have conceded the argument - that the federal government has the right, duty, intelligence, and administrative acumen to assume the planning, orchestration, and settlement of your individual health insurance needs. You are entitled to your opinion, but frankly, I think you're as wrong as you're ever going to be in your life.

I do not believe that it is the Federal government's obligation or right to assume that mantle of responsibility. I think it intrusive, unwarranted, and a poor omen for the future. We are inching closer and closer to a socialist nanny state. I understand that America now approaches that future with far less dread then ever before, and nearly with open arms - how quickly we as a people look for the easy way out! - but that doesn't mean it's the right path.

Governments don't shrink. They don't. They may wax and wane, but City Hall will always be there, and it will always be hungry for more. This generation is vigorously debating an expansion of the Federal Government, and has already acquiesced to a ridiculous bailout of the private sector. Step forward to the time of my grandchildren, and the dustups of today will have been settled for decades. It all will be commonplace, accepted, par for the course. The government will have continued to grow; in power, in size, in 'responsibility'. A perversion of the constitutional limits imposed upon Washington has repercussions down through the ages, and should not be considered lightly.

In my opinion, it should not be considered at all.

If you disagree and push forward, then I argue that the financial burden of this program is still too much to bear.

We are in the midst of a severe recession, one that necessitated (ha!) the bailout of large segments of the private sector, and the use of gimmicky stimulus measures like the Cash for Clunkers program. In this environment, with unemployment soaring, tax revenue at a minimum, military deployment being expanded in Afghanistan, etc. etc. now - NOW - is the time to push this through?

Was there something I missed in the last election? Not Obama's talking points, which were just that. But if 2004 was about Iraq, 2008 was about the economy, stupid. If you surveyed people last November I doubt "health care reform" would have trumped "keep my job" and "keep my house out of foreclosure", and I'd argue the same holds true now. So why now? Easy. Obama thought it would be a cake-walk proposal, and underestimated American opposition to the plan. Now he's obliged to continue the fight or lose face, and so a plan best left for rosier times must now divert attention and money from areas that need it more.

I'll admit it's hard to get a handle on numbers here, as the White House spins its totals and everyone else does the same, but this isn't going to be cheap. No matter what plan (if any) gets passed, it will necessitate, at a minimum: the creation, staffing, and housing of a new cabinet level body, one massive enough to administrate a plan capable of needing a 1000 page Congressional bill. Local offices will have to be established at the state and city level. Add in the cost of doing business - the accountants, lawyers, claim specialists, clerks, staples, paper, and whatnot, and you'll have to wonder exactly how we'll pay for it.

The answer? I don't know if ANYONE has the answer.

So, despite all his promises to the contrary, we go into (deeper)debt to make this concept happen. Again, if it has to happen - why now?? Is it worth extending the recession just to ensure a President doesn't walk away with his won/loss record blemished?

No, it's not.

* * * *

I feel the most compelling argument against ObamaCare, in any of its shifting forms, is the simplest: it will not accomplish its intended goals.

I wish I'd had the courage to write about an experience I had last summer, but at the time I feared embarrassing my father-in-law. He had surgery and was hospitalized at our local VA Hospital. Start to finish, he was seen, treated, care for by, and had his bill paid by the government. Great right? No.

The hospital was overcrowded and dilapidated. The halls were in need of painting and, disturbingly, featured large home made posters reminding the medical staff to follow elementary hygiene procedures. My father-in-law was housed in a dormitory with multiple patients, as if I was watching a movie about the polio epidemic. The equipment was outdated and flat-out looked ancient.

His incision became infected. Worse yet, this: months later, the surgery has to be repeated. Why? Because the VA admitted the surgeon had incorrectly installed the knee replacement.

All this, from a government institution politically untouchable from both sides of the aisle. That,my friends, is socialized health-care. At the time, I wondered out-loud if it would not have been better to scrap the entire VA system, and simply grant the vets carte blanche insurance to go where they wished. I still think that's more cost effective than paying for building upkeep, payroll, etc, and maybe someday Congress will take the hint.

But what would happen if there was nowhere else for them to turn? What if every hospital was under the same pressure, the same guidelines, the same cost constraints? It would be a disaster.

You see, I think everyone should have health insurance. I just don't think the federal government is the best vehicle for achieving that goal.

Why? A hundred reasons, but chief among them: we are a huge and populous country, with vast demographic differences. It is one thing for the U.K. to try to finagle the NHS for a population of 61.4 million, or Canada with its minuscule 33.5 million;California alone has 34 million, New York 19 million, and Texas 22 million people. All told, we have more than 300 million people to insure, five times more than the U.k.

And once again, that is a heterogeneous population. 19% of Florida residents are elderly. The predominantly male population of Alaska is legendary. The bratwurst friendly Midwest has different health issues than health conscious California, and so on.

Can you imagine one insurance plan that could effectively cover all the needs of that population? I can't. But I can guarantee you that Congress, when dispersing funds, would feel compelled to answer to their own constituents - thus making sure that so called flyover country would get the short end of the stick from a Hill dominated by the media and population rich coastal states.

No, federal insurance is not the answer. Heck, the perpetually endangered Medicare program should be proof enough of that.

Do I have all the answers? No, not by a longshot. I don't even pretend to claim expertise. But having run a company where the staff was burdened by excessive insurance costs, I have some ideas.

deregulate to allow small business owners to join together and use their combined leverage to obtain lower rates.

Two, when an individuals health history skews the cost of the plan and places an unfair burden on his co-workers, there could/should be supplemental government insurance which restores a competitive balance to that plan.

tort reform. If a doctor is negligent or incompetent, by all means go after him. But medicine is not a perfect science, and the cost of lawsuit-avoiding but meaningless tests places a large burden on the system. The garnishment I spoke of earlier? The hospital kept YaYa overnight for several days, running tests when it was clear she had a stomach virus. At the time, we were first-time parents to a five month old and didn't see the legal reasoning behind the 'necessary' tests. We paid for it in the end; millions of us pay for it each year.

, if we are doomed to resort to government health care, keep it at the state level, geared specifically for and paid by the residents of that state. While I have no doubt federal funds would seep their way in, and issues of residency fraud and whatnot would need to be addressed, I think this is the best means of involving government in health care IF THEY NEED TO BE INVOLVED AT ALL. Government works best when it is close enough to feel your heel on their throat; you have a better chance of managing a state run system than you do tackling Washington.

* * *

Just as I don't pretend to have all the answers, I also don't finish this thinking I've changed any one's mind. I've stated my case, just as many of you have stated your own. I promised Lisa I would document some of my thinking on the subject,and I've lived up to that promise.

Let's hope our leaders in Washington live up the promise of our Founders, and continue the fight.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Did I remember reading/hearing that your dishwasher died?  My parents have a portable one that they want to get rid of and I thought of you.  They also have an electric stove if you are interested.  Let me know. - Anne U

Ghosts and killers and Mick Jagger, oh my!

Man I'm beat. We didn't get a good rest at all overnight. It wasn't the darkness, but the lack of 'white noise'. Sleeping without power is not the same as turning everything off; a house with electricity feels different than one without. I was very happy that the smoke dissipated by daybreak, allowing me to flip the breakers to the upstairs bedrooms.

It didn't help that our resident ghost made him/herself known at around 3:30, waking me and Lisa with the sound of someone tripping over a box in our room. I was up and out of bed in a flash, thinking the worst, but as always the room was empty. As a cynic, I say the cat was to blame (but this time it sure was loud for a feline. Hell, it was loud for a T-Rex)

After dropping the kids off at school I drove my Dad down to UWM, where he's returned for a few classes. I had some business to attend to there as well, so it wasn't strictly altruistic. I forgot how chaotic the campus is on the first day of classes - and how many attractive women enroll there.

Much later I cut the lawn and played outside with the little ones while Lisa prepared a great dinner of stuffed peppers.

* * * *

I was right about the Obama speech. None of my kids saw the telecast, and in fact of the dozen school age kids that comprise our immediate circle, scattered throughout six schools (private and public), only three saw the speech.

Oh, and to those on the left pouncing on the criticism of the event: when GHW Bush gave his speech, Dems went much further, launching a money wasting congressional investigation.

* * * *

I talked to a guy the other day who atttended the November 11, 1964 Rolling Stones show here in Milwaukee. He was 15 at the time, it was not even close to a sellout, and he still counts it as one of his favorite memories.

* * *

Here's the face of Milwaukee's alleged North Side Strangler, Walter Ellis.

Neighbors say Ellis was an extremely violent young teen, and kids would literally run past his house rather than risk a confrontation. Still, all agree he mellowed into a 'nice' man as an adult.

In other words, around the time the killings began more than twenty years ago.

* * **

At work a man came in and bought a paper. He asked what the headline was about (it was obscured by an advertising supplement). I told him the serial killer had been caught.

"Really?", he said.

"Seems so," I said.

"Did they happen to mention his name?"

"Walter Ellis"

"Ahhh . . .I'm afraid I don't know the gentleman, thank heavens." he said, this tiny little grin forming in one corner of his mouth.

"You know," he said, "I've always wondered what it takes to do things like that. To repeat horrific acts year after year, just for the sake of satisfying your own inner demons."

"I guess we'll never know," I said.

"Yes. A good thing too, don't you think?" he said, a twinkle in his eye. He offered his goodbyes and left.

I turned to a co-worker that had overheard part of the conversation.

"Hey," I said. "If Ellis turns out to be innocent, that guy's the killer. Guaranteed."

On the crybaby Giants, the upcoming Obama speech, and why you shouldn't cook a frozen pizza at night, at least in this house

Most people who know me would say I was full of sh*t on this point (and many others), but I have a very competitive personality. 99% of the time its buried deep, but man, does it ever rise to the surface when you're talking about sports.

Today, word is that the Giants are p.o.'d over the home run celebration by Prince Fielder. Wah-wah.

Hey, it would pi*s me off too, if the shoe was on the other foot. But I'm a fan, and I have no say-so in the outcome of a game. My impotence would be the source of my rage. The Giants on the other hand . . .well, let me quote Dayn from a comment thread on Baseball Think Factory.

Maybe the best walk-off celebration I've ever seen. My stance--within reason--is that if you don't want to see the celebration, then don't lose the game.

Amen brother. Amen.

* * * *

A whackadoodle night. While we were preheating the oven to cook a late-night pizza some crumbs in the oven started smoking. The smoke traveled up the back stairs, hit the smoke alarms, and pandemonium reigned. Ginger was crying, Smiley was clutching his ears, LuLu slept through it, and YaYa was annoyed. We never could silence the hardwired alarms, and so I was forced to cut the power to the second floor (and remove all the backup batteries from the units) or continue to wake up the neighborhood. Dear Lord are they LOUD.

Did I mention LuLu slept through them, and YaYa stirred only to register her annoyance?

I tried flipping the power back on later but the alarms rang again. We'll hunker down in the dark like savages overnight, then try it again in the morning.

* * * *

I've read the text of the Obama speech and find nothing to object to in its content. It's all standard fluff, but well written standard fluff. I noted it had plenty of the Jimmy Carter "I was born poor but now I'm President!" anecdotes, but that's ok in this context. If they have indeed scrapped the Orwellian classroom activities, it's kosher.

I still don't know if the school(s) my kids attend will play the speech. I've asked the offspring and they have no clue. I'm betting none of them will see it. Smiley because his class is too young and has special needs, and the girls because their school is not a hotbed of Obama-love. But again, I have no direct knowledge and could be way off.

* * *

I promised Lisa to offer my opinion on socialized medicine, and I haven't been putting it off so much as been distracted by other subjects. I'll try to publish that in the next 48 hours, along with a long-overdue comment on the Left's awfully convenient obsession with labeling anything anti-Obama as racist.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Milwaukee Serial Killer Caught

BadgerBlogger is reporting that the Milwaukee Police Department has arrested 49 year old Walter Ellis in connection with a string of Milwaukee killings dating back to the mid 1980's. [JSOnline confirms the report.]

I wrote about the case of the so-called "North Side Strangler" and his seven victims twice. Keep in mind MPD didn't hunt him for twenty years. It was only recently that DNA linked cold cases and revealed the pattern. Some additional good came of it too; as they continued to look for more victims other cases were solved by running the same evidence.

A press conference is scheduled for this evening. Good job MPD!