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Monday, January 9, 2012

Labor Pains & Scream 4

"Labor Pains" is a recent-ish Lindsay Lohan flick about a woman who fakes a pregnancy to avoid getting fired and naturally winds up promoted and has the boss fall in love with her. It wasn't an awful film, but minus Lohan this would have been a TV movie on basic cable. C. 

Also watched "Scream 4", and loved it. It was just as smart and well done as the original. I was put off by Courtney Cox's face however, which had clearly been worked on by a surgeon in the lead up to the film. Sad to see her reach the age where she feels its necessary for her career. A.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


(on symbolism in The Old Man and the Sea): "No good book has ever been written that has in it symbols arrived at beforehand and stuck in . . . I tried to make a real old man, a real boy, a real sea and a real fish and real sharks. But if I made them good and true enough, they would mean many things." - Ernest Hemingway

Friday, January 6, 2012


If you do not want America to be the strongest nation on Earth, I am not your President. You have that President today. - Mitt Romney


I just ran into Manny, I guy we lived above back in '97. For those not in the know, he was a crazy drug dealer who served time for carjacking. He looks good, and younger (oddly enough). Said me 2night: "Remember the time we were shoveling snow and this guy walked by, and you whacked him on the side of the head with your shovel, and I asked "WTF was that for?" and you said "Cuz"?" Good times, good times.


When I picked up YaYa  from school she was being picked on by a group of girls who accused her of stealing a bracelet, and the principal and her teacher quickly(and loudly) stepped into to squash the incident. Well, I just got an email from her teacher, saying the bracelet in question had been FOUND by a 4th grader and turned into his teacher by the time the accusations began. YaYa is relieved to have been vindicated, and I complimented her teacher for being on the ball.

Nigh Omnipotent by A. Lee Martinez

Time for bed. It's been a long day, but generally a good one. I did want to mention that I finished the book "Nigh Omnipotent" by A. Lee Martinez today. The god who created the universe keels over, leaving chaos and entropy behind. It's up to his estranged and laid back brother to figure out a way to save the universe from certain disaster. And giant eggs with guns. But mostly the certain disaster part. Great fun, as all of Martinez's work is; at 107 pages it's listed as an extended short story, but to me that's at least a novella, so I'm officially listing it on my tally of 2012 reads.

The Three Investigators and the Secret of Skeleton Island

1st thing this morning, after dropping off the kids at school, I fired up a DVD of "The Three Investigators and the Secret of Skeleton Island", a kids movie based on a series of books I worshiped as a kid. As for the movie, it was Goonies-esque and fun (LuLu enjoyed it a lot the other day). It was actually made in 2007 in Germany, but only released here on DVD in '10. A sequel was made in 2009 and presumably will hit shelves here soon.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Future (film)

After work we stopped off at the cemetery to pay our respects to my Big Grandpa, then headed home to a great dinner of meatloaf. Later in the evening (post Winter Wipeout) we watched "The Future". A couple in their mid-'30's decides to adopt a stray cat, but the impending responsibility causes them to over-react and seek radical changes in their lives. It's a semi-dark, very quiet comedy that does a great job of showing the emotional depth of their relationship. I recommend it. B+

25 Years Gone

25 years ago today, on the 1st day back @ school after Christmas vacation, my paternal Grandfather died of lung cancer. RIP Big Grandpa.

Mr. Pollack

I just got word from my Dad that St John Kanty's Boy Scout leader Mr. (Chris) Pollack passed away yesterday of cancer. He was 64. RIP


Oddest comment I've seen online tonight (and no, it isn't mine) "Most of you probably won't read this, but I would love for nothing more than to become a walrus. I know there's a million people out there just like me, but I promise you, I'm different. On January 11th, I'm moving to Antarctica. I've already cut off my arms and wiggle around on my stomach everywhere I go as I've been training for life on the ice. I may not be a walrus yet, but I promise, if you give me a chance and the support I need, I'll become the greatest walrus ever."

Apollo 18 and Bridesmaids

A few minutes ago I finished watching "Apollo 18", a horror movie culled from 'leaked' Dept of Defense footage of the secret (and fictional) last flight to the moon. It's done Blair Witch/Paranormal Activity style, a technique that should get lost in space itself, thank you very much. Still, while its not like you couldn't see death and mayhem a'comin', it was reasonably well done. No true scares that I recall, but the claustrophobic and isolated lunar landscape helps give you the heeby-jeebies. C/C+

I suppose, just to ensure the hatred of every woman here, that I should finally out myself as someone who thinks "Bridesmaids" was the most over-rated comedy in years. Hey, I rented it expecting to LOL and all that, but nope. None of the characters were people you would want to spend time with; the much ballyhooed 'ad libs' were so blatant that some scenes could pass for a Comedy Sportz gig; the main character was pathetic, latching onto losers to boost her own self esteem & failing even at that; and why is there only one cop in all of Wisconsin, and why is he a f-ing Scot? My take:a wannabee 'Hangover', minus, you know, *the laughter*. C-

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cowboys and Aliens

Right after I dropped the kids off at school I fired up a Redbox of "Cowboys and Aliens" with Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig. Lisa initially refused to watch it ("It has cowboys. And aliens. Yeah . . no") but wound up enjoying it. I thought it was a well done, imaginative film that won't win any Oscars but certainly rises above the expectations of a typical Hollywood action flick. B/B+

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Leopard by Jo Nesbo

I've finished reading the first book of the year, "The Leopard" by Jo Nesbo,  a serial killer novel featuring detective Harry Hole (hee hee). It's the latest in a line of Scandinavian crime novels imported in the wake of 'Dragon Tattoo's" popularity. The plot has a gazillion twists and turns, so many I more than once felt exhausted by it all. I'd rate the story itself a B. BUT the writing . . . yowsas. Nesbo has a gift and at times - not always, but often - he makes the words on the page get up and dance a little pirouette for your pleasure. What a gift. A damn fine writer.

Hangover 2

We just got done watching "Hangover 2". It was nowhere near as funny as the original. In fact, I'd describe this as an action/thriller with some laughs, more than a straight comedy, but as such it was pretty good. ( BTW, Bradley Cooper really shined. Kudos to him). B/B-

Monday, January 2, 2012

Big 10 for the Win!

Oohee was that a good Outback Bowl. Congrats MI State! Way to represent the Big 10!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Ya know how I said "11/22/63" would be the last book I read this year? Sadly, I am a man with no willpower. I just finished two books today. "Agent to the Stars" a comic sci-fi novel by John Scalzi (a name old J-Lander's should recognize), wandered off plot for a bit but was still worth a 'B', and "Angle of Investigation" by Michael Connelly, an ebook that's really just a novella's worth of Harry Bosch stories. I'd grade the first of the stories an A, the second a B, and third (surprise!) a mere C/C-.

Today's Weather

dec 30th, 2011, Milwaukee - steady rain and moderate temp all day. I say again, only mostly tongue in cheek: if this is global warming, I'm all for it.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


"Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means." - Ronald Reagan

4 Films

"Jackass 3" - the funniest installment yet. Luvvved it.

"Another Earth" - slow and intellectual (what I call a 'Oriental' film, after the pretentious theater on the East side). But I liked it, and would recommend it.

'Faces in the Crowd', starring Mila Jovovich, is a thriller about a woman who survives a serial killer attack only to lose the ability to recognize faces, leading to a wee bit of a problem once the killer returns to visit. Standard fare, no better or worse than a C.

'Limitless' was silly but a lot of fun, and it didn't end as I thought it would (always a plus). I'd give it a B/B+

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Candy Cane Lane

@candy cane lane w/ the kids

After Candy Cane Lane we stopped and visited with my parents for a bit, then returned home for dinner and my annual viewing of "It's a Wonderful Life". And yes, a s always, I teared up

Monday, December 19, 2011


Today I finished reading Stephen King's time travel thriller "11/22/63". It had plenty of tension filled moments, was chock full of historical detail (largely unadulterated by the needs of the plot) and in short it was a fun read. A. [note: this will probably be the last book I read in 2011. I think I'll take it easy and start up again in the new year]

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Kim Jon II and Vaclav Havel

Kim Jon II, the leader of North Korea, is dead. He was a nut and a sabre rattler and has kept his country in the stone age for decades. Meanwhile Vaclav Havel, a longtime anti-communist activist, playwright, former Czech President and perennial contender for the Nobel Peace Prize has died at age 75. Any bets on which one will get more press?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Sh**ty Day Off

Sh**ty day off. I don't mind the rain and the gloomy skies - Iz down with dat - but I've had a headache, a nosebleed and an argument with Lisa that led to four and a half hours of wasted air in the middle of the day. Lu has a friend coming over and I reckon we should clean the house, but bleep that. I have four destructive, messy kids. No use pretending otherwise. 

Oh, I also have two columns to write and X-Factor voting to attend to. *melodramatic sigh* on the upside, I'm making bbq ribs for dinner.

Chris Rene sucks. Why he's still on X-Factor is beyond me.

I wish to formally wipe the last 23 hours and 58 minutes off the Tivo of my life. What a shit, shit day.
Kudos to Smiley for pronouncing his "Sh" sound worksheet correctly!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fright Night

Redboxed the remake of "Fright Night" and wonder of wonders it's better than the original. The writing is sharp, blending horror and laughs in all the right proportions, and the acting is terrific (special nod to Anton Yelchin). Plus - drum roll please - DAVID TENANT, aka the Doctor, stars as vampire hunter Peter Vincent. Hell, even the *bloopers* on the DVD were worth the rental fee. A+

Monday, December 12, 2011

Try It

What I Learned Today: The english bits of 'Feliz Navidad' lends itself perfectly to a Dracula/Transylvanian accent.

I Hope it Was Enough

on the porch reading and watching Smiley play when a homeless man walked by w/ a shopping cart (1st x ever). I stopped and asked him if he was hungry and had Park bring him an apple and a pack of cookies we had just bought. I thought about giving him my untouched sub sandwich too, but in the end my belly won that fight.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Tonight, after the "30 Minutes . ." dud, we put in Liam Neeson's "Unknown". I liked it. A little long, a little improbable, but entertaining and with an imaginative little premise. B+

A Nightmare

Went to bed 'round midnight, woke up at 4:04 from a nightmare bad enough that I promptly went downstairs and hurled. Great night.

Atlas Shrugged Pt 1

i watched "Atlas Shrugged Pt 1" yest. Objectively, it was an ok film that struggled at times to find enough action to warrant its length. Subjectively, it was great to see a film that correctly warns of a near future where the governments whims trump private property, free markets, and worst of all initiative. Lisa stated a few times that "that could never happen". Wait and see. Wait and see.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

30 Minutes or Less

We rented the DVD for '30 Minutes or Less' from Netfix. Aptly named film. We made it all of ten minutes before giving up on this mindless turd.

A Celebrity Sighting

Saw Chester Marcol today (Packers kicker from '72-80)


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - British singer Adele made Billboard history on Friday when she became the first female singer to be named top artist, have the top album, "21," and score the top single, "Rolling in the Deep," all in one year.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Jerry Robinson

Jerry Robinson, the creator of The Joker, Robin, Two-Face, Alfred, and other staples of Batman lore is dead. He was 89. RIP.

When Tribal Sovereignty Challenges Democracy: American Indian Education and the Democratic Ideal

@ my Dad's request I read and offered my opinion on "When Tribal Sovereignty Challenges Democracy: American Indian Education and the Democratic Ideal" by K Tsianina Lomawaima & Teresa L McCarty [Amer. Educational Research Journal Summer 2002 V30 #2). I agree with the authors that tribal education is far below par and needs to change, but found much of the paper a simple recitation of ills. More time on proposed solutions might have been nice. In short, no different than most papers I read in Education.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Rocker

BTW, our movie last night was "The Rocker" with Rainn Wilson as a guy who spends 20 years in a funk after being dumped by a band on the brink of superstardom, only to get a second chance behind the kit for his nephew's band. I expected the movie to be awful and was pleasantly surprised. It isn't going to resonate in my heart forever or anything, but it was a moderately funny, mildly sweet feel good story.

Feast of the Immaculate Conceptio

Just back from Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It felt good - I needed that. Now a quick breakfast and off to work . .


William Temple replied to his critics who regarded answered prayer as no more than coincidence, “When I pray, coincidences happen; when I don’t, they don’t.”

 - David Watson, Called & Committed, (Harold Shaw Publishers, Wheaton, IL; 1982), p. 83

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Harry Morgan

Harry Morgan (aka Col. Potter on MASH) has died at age 96. RIP sir, I enjoyed your work.
The Journal-Sentinel just asked me to do an extended column for publication on Christmas Day. Quoting the email from the editor: "You seem to have a knack for writing holiday columns with just the right feel." Flattered and all, blah blah, but mighty sick of being good enough to be sought out for publication and yet never considered for regular work.

My Thoughts

Former IL Gov Rod Blagojevich was sentenced to 14 years in prison today on corruption charges. Blech. I'm all for punishing the guilty, but to my mind imprisoning someone for a non-violent crime seems like a waste of resources. Stab someone, rape, murder, even risk someone's death (by drunk driving or by carrying a weapon during a crime) and by all means lock 'em up, but short of that there have to be more cost-effective & intelligent solutions.

We Remember

70 years ago today my maternal grandparent's were on a date at the Riverside Theater. The movie was stopped, the lights came on, and an announcement was made that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. They both knew my Great Uncle Leo (grandma's brother) was stationed there that morning. He was part of the crew of the USS Vestal, moored alongside the Arizona. Luckily, he survived, but of course 2000 Americans did not. To all the men at Pearl that day, thank you for your service. We'll always remember.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

St Nick's

St Nick's morn went well, with everyone in a good mood and loving their stockings. Booklights, winter caps (featured), dry erase boards, an outfit, a book (doll for Junie), candy, and odds and ends. A good haul and as I said they loved it. Lisa got makeup and a nice candle. Heck, I got a new pair of slippers myself.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

We just finished watching "Forgetting Sarah Marshall". It was much, much better than your average comedy/rom-comedy, Kudos to Segel for a funny, well-crafted script that made the characters real and complex, each with their own flaws and strengths. I was really impressed (and the great cast didn't hurt). A + (Lisa was less keen on it, but ya ain't hear to read her opinions, are ya?;)

Monday, December 5, 2011

St Nick is Coming!

The stockings are full and laid out by the fireplace. An unintentional compliment from the kids tonight: one of them asked why we bothered with the stockings since "there's always too much to fit in them anyway". For that, a big thank you to Lisa, who I swear works all year long to compile an impressive hoard of goodies for the holidays.

The Smurfs

I just finished watching 'The Smurfs'. It is what it is, a not unpleasant kids movie w/ a nostalgic hook for the grown-ups. NPH, as is his norm, rocked.