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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Apollo 18 and Bridesmaids

A few minutes ago I finished watching "Apollo 18", a horror movie culled from 'leaked' Dept of Defense footage of the secret (and fictional) last flight to the moon. It's done Blair Witch/Paranormal Activity style, a technique that should get lost in space itself, thank you very much. Still, while its not like you couldn't see death and mayhem a'comin', it was reasonably well done. No true scares that I recall, but the claustrophobic and isolated lunar landscape helps give you the heeby-jeebies. C/C+

I suppose, just to ensure the hatred of every woman here, that I should finally out myself as someone who thinks "Bridesmaids" was the most over-rated comedy in years. Hey, I rented it expecting to LOL and all that, but nope. None of the characters were people you would want to spend time with; the much ballyhooed 'ad libs' were so blatant that some scenes could pass for a Comedy Sportz gig; the main character was pathetic, latching onto losers to boost her own self esteem & failing even at that; and why is there only one cop in all of Wisconsin, and why is he a f-ing Scot? My take:a wannabee 'Hangover', minus, you know, *the laughter*. C-

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