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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Smiley is introduced to Star Wars!

Smiley saw his first Star Wars movie over the weekend, and was excited to tell me about it. He didn't know the name of the film, but mentioned it had a tall gold robot, a little round one, a hairy guy (Chewbacca), a green lightsaber, Boba Fett (our favorite character), and a big monster that could eat people. I'm thinking "Return of the Jedi", though he made no mention of Ewoks or a certain gold bikini. Any guesses?

We were at Bounce Ream this weekend and it was playing in their little theatre area....It was a star wars film, not the first, and the monster had princess Leia captured, and she wasn't in her white robe. Sorry I'm not a Star Wars fan, and I didn't know Smiley was so interested in it either, other than he complained about not being able to hear it....the sound was turned down. - Grandma Jeanne

gotstabe Jedi then. Thx Jeanne

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