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Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Waste

So far a wasted day off . . . and nothing makes me more bitter

Saturday, August 17, 2013



Ken Rosenthal:

"But perhaps the best way for him [Mark McGwire] to enhance his [HOF] candidacy would be to say the words that so many wanted to hear when he testified before Congress on March 17, 2005:

"Yes, I used steroids. And I'm sorry."

[McGwire: "I used steroids during my playing career and I apologize... I wish I had never touched steroids. It was foolish and it was a mistake. I truly apologize... I shouldn't have done it and for that I'm truly sorry."]

Ken Rosenthal in December 2012:
"Mark McGwire has admitted using PEDs. It’s reasonable to conclude that without the drugs, he would not have produced the same power numbers, the numbers that are the essence of his candidacy. Thus, I do not vote for him."

Well, Ken DID say "perhaps.

- Gonfalon Bubble on BTF

Monday, August 12, 2013

My, that was a purty little home run A-Rod hit yesterday. Now 12 shy of Mays.

Wrapping up the State Fair

It was a great State Fair, and I greatly enjoyed the eleven days I spent with the kids in Lisa's absence. 

My biggest pet peeve from these weeks: people who asked me if I was "ok" or "how was I holding up". Jeezus people, I made the kids, I should be able to handle two weeks with them. What an antiquated and sexist question.

I'm actually grateful for the time, as I think it proved to them that Dad can take care of business at home and that Mom is more than "just a" Mom. I wish that Lisa had been able to pursue a similar opportunity in MN, but there's just not enough of a support system here to ride out a 2nd two week spell with both of us working. On Sunday I got the opportunity to spend the evening at the fair, and at close helped take apart Lisa's booth and stack it on a pallet - work that's definitely harder than my real job!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Johnny Logan

Aw man. RIP Milwaukee Braves great Johnny Logan, age 86

The Witch Hunt Continues

Former MLB All-Star Jack Clark has publicly accused Albert Pujols of using PED's, saying he knows this "for a fact". He has also accused, though without the same level of alleged personal knowledge, ex-player Shawn Green and Tigers ace of aces, Justin Verlander. If true, yikes. If not, Clark is an ass.
Rahny, of KiSS FM's Wes, Rahny and Ali morning show has been let go. WTH??? It's the only morning show of any worth left in Milwaukee - or was. You'll be missed Rahny.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

I've been clean shaven for eight days now. Still not sure if I'm going to grow it all back. In other news, today was my first walk with the kids since injuring my MCL on June 21st. We only walked about seven blocks round trip., and my knee ached by the end, but I'm happy to get out and on the road again.

Johnny Damon Can Go Take a Flying Leap

The Idiot Otherwise Known As Johnny Damon says his 2009 World Series ring is "diminished" for him if it turns out A-Rod was using PED's at the time. In related news, he's giving back his 2004 Red Sox ring since David Ortiz, Manny Ramirez and who knows how many other BoSox were 'roided to the nines at the time. $%# moron.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Some artwork of mine from the '70's

Here's some artwork of mine, dated 1979, age 5. My kids do better work. 


Maybe I shouldn't have let Junie  watch "Sharknado" with me. A poor parenting decision, that, but not as poor a choice as choosing to write, produce, or star in that atrocity.

Well it was entertaining as camp, but yes, it was worse than most school plays.
I have finally impressed YaYa. I was on the phone, arguing something with a business and swallowed several minutes of  Valley Girl upspeak, dripping with sarcasm. I finally cut her off and said "Look, you can be as loud and as snotty as you like for as long as you like, but you're still wrong." She *was* wrong, and later admitted it. After I got off the phone YaYa applauded and said "Well done, Dad. That was great."

Well Wishes

Former President George W Bush had heart surgery today. 

A Great Finale

I was skeptical they could pull it off after Dez all but torpedoed the show in the wake of Brooke's departure, BUT . . . . that was a genuinely touching and powerfully romantic end to the season. Lisa was in tears, I was all "awwww" lol. BEST BACHELOR/BACHELORETTE FINALE EVER!!!!

And - just for the record: people who claim to 'love' Doctor Who yet claim ignorance to anything pre-2005 are a dreadful waste of DNA.

Monday, August 5, 2013

A-Rod singles in his first at-bat of the year . . .

The Colony

"The Colony" is a sci-fi film starring Laurence Fishburne. It's set in the near future, on an Earth that has entered a new Ice Age. The last remaining humans survive in isolated colonies that are dying off of disease and starvation, but a new threat has emerged: a crazy, psychotic cannibal tribe. It's a better movie than it sounds in this description, and it features one of the goriest, wickedest final fight scenes around. Rent it!
I hope A-Rod's suspension finally inspires the player's union to DO THEIR JOB and curb a despotic and arrogant MLB administration intent on pursuing personal grudges (Braun) and voiding legitimate contracts (Rodriguez). Failing that, I hope any one of the baker's dozen MLB tossed on the pyre goes rogue and names names, finally establishing that PED's were and are long tolerated/ignored/promoted by managers and administrator's alike (La Russa anyone?).
The Packers have signed Vince Young as a backup QB

A Fulton Sheen Quote

“There would never be vaccination unless there were germs, there would never have been Prohibition unless there were something to prohibit, and there would never be atheism unless there was a God to atheate.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen


"The home runs that are hit because a guy's on performance-enhancing substances, those ruin somebody's ERA, which ruins their arbitration case, which ruins their salary," Los Angeles Angels pitcher C.J. Wilson said. "So it's a whole domino effect.". 

Huh. Good point. 

Now howsabout "The strikeouts that are pitched because a guy's on performance enhancing substances, those ruin somebody's AVG, which ruins their arbitration case, with ruins their salary" said every  major leaguer who has faced juiced pitchers for the last 20 years.

How about that CJ?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The New Who

Watching the live BBC broadcast that will reveal the new Doctor . . . butterflies in my stomach!

So Peter Capaldi is the new Doctor, and I'm a bit surprised. Not at his age - I'm glad the show is FINALLY portraying the Doctor as a man old enough not to be carded for cigarettes - but I thought they'd go with a complete unknown, as I like to see the show *make* a career. (BTW, is this the first Doctor to have guest starred on the show previously?) I'm also oddly annoyed at his weight. What's with the continuing trend towards stick figures? At this rate, Doctor #13 will be Kate Moss.

To Date:

So far in 2013: 101 movies, 34 books

A Request

anyone going to the fair today? Lisa left her lunch and wallet in the car when i dropped her off, and I'd be forever grateful if someone could deliver it.... pretty please? lol