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Monday, August 12, 2013

Wrapping up the State Fair

It was a great State Fair, and I greatly enjoyed the eleven days I spent with the kids in Lisa's absence. 

My biggest pet peeve from these weeks: people who asked me if I was "ok" or "how was I holding up". Jeezus people, I made the kids, I should be able to handle two weeks with them. What an antiquated and sexist question.

I'm actually grateful for the time, as I think it proved to them that Dad can take care of business at home and that Mom is more than "just a" Mom. I wish that Lisa had been able to pursue a similar opportunity in MN, but there's just not enough of a support system here to ride out a 2nd two week spell with both of us working. On Sunday I got the opportunity to spend the evening at the fair, and at close helped take apart Lisa's booth and stack it on a pallet - work that's definitely harder than my real job!

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