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Thursday, August 22, 2013


Less than 90 minutes until Marquette orientation. Rattler's in my stomach . . . .

Student loans make it possible to anyone. When there's a will there's a way. It's a huge financial risk....but sometimes risk pays off. - Lisa


Orientation at Marquette went fine. It was five hours long and featured two one hour class sessions, despite, you know, school not actually starting until next week :) 

The program is big on the Socratic method, which is a bit of an adjustment, but once I was called on and grilled for four or five minutes the nerves passed. I'm one of only 18 students in the part-time program and it looks like we'll be stuck with one another for years, so for good or bad we're bound to become a tight knit bunch. 

By coincidence my seat was next to someone I'd met and chatted with at the LSAT. We both congratulated each other on making the cut. Small world. 

This is just the beginning of the process, and as we all know (and some people may desire) this may all wind up a disaster. 

But, *IF* this was some dorky TV movie, and the start of law school was the denouement of a standard underdog story, it would have ended on the very view I saw driving home via 794: The moon, full and bright against a pitch black sky, surrounded by blossoming fireworks as it cast a single bar of light over the still waters of the lake. 

I almost laughed out loud at the cheesiness of it. :)

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