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Monday, August 26, 2013

I wrecked my thumb!

When I went to start the lawnmower this morning the starter cable broke loose and spent all its stored energy slamming into my hand. I broke my left thumb in multiple places, got three stitches and a tetanus shot. My thumbnail was black by the time I got back in the house, and there was some talk of removing it to get at a cut beneath it, but they let that be, to which I sincerely say "Whew." They still said the nail will probably fall off, which icks me out.  

How'd the kids take the injury? While I was stemming the bleeding Smiley asked me to burn him a CD,  Junie wanted to know if she could wear a pink batting helmet in lieu of a bike helmet, and YaYa argued with me before she'd loan me tape to wrap the gauze, then stressed that she wanted it back "the minute" I was done. Good Christians I'm raising LOL

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