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Monday, August 19, 2013

What a Game

GREAT Yankees-Red Sox game tonight. A-Rod was drilled intentionally in the 2nd, a juvenile act that was roundly cheered by the classless Boston fans. In his next at bat Alex drove in a run, and when he led off the 6th with the Yankees down three he pounded a tape-measure shot to right center. The joy on his face was wonderful, and when he got to home plate he stopped, pointed his fingers to the sky ala David Ortiz, and just let the boos wash over him. F'ing brilliant! The homer started a rally that led to a Yankees win. Rodriguez's final line: 3-4 with a home run, two runs scored, a HBP, and two RBI's. A-Rod, I bow to thee!

Aside from seeing A-Rod trample the disgusting Red Sox, my day did slightly improve when I went out for some exercise with the kids. I let Parker and Olivia ride their bikes while Lauren and I set out on foot. It was the first real test of my knee in a week, and I made it about half a mile before the pain reared up and I tapped out rather than injure it further. Still, progress. Lisa then gave me a ride to the store where PD/OJ met me with their bikes. Afterwards I let them bike home, with permission to ride around the perimeter of the park first. Then stretched this to a 90 minute romp and returned after dark, but WTH - at least they got in a good workout. :)

It is just about impossible to gauge how much fan-love I have for Alex Rodriguez. 

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