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Friday, August 23, 2013

Braun's Botched Apology

Braun's apology sucked. What a standard issue PR pro written piece that STILL made him sound like a dick. He should have spoke the truth: "Yeah, I used PED's. I had a big contract, and I didn't want to under-perform and screw over my teammates or piss off the fans - guess I didn't do that last part right after all. Still, you got your money's worth watching me right? And sure, I through that urine collector under the bus, but you know how it is. You get caught doing wrong, your first instinct isn't to come clean, it's to lie and dodge the bullet. That's the part I really do feel bad about. I shouldn't have done that to the guy, but OTOH he still violated procedure and deserved to get canned. Still, my bad"

COMMENTER: I agree, I find his apology "empty", but, A-Rod is in the same boat as Braun, no denying it!

ME: Nonsense - Braun has intentionally and maliciously destroyed a man's career by, among other things, using Braun's own religion as a lever to accuse him of anti-Semitism. There's nothing in Alex's tale that is as deliberately douchey. Besides, Braun wasn't any good as a 3rd baseman while A-Rod is.

Alex is vilified because a) he signed a huge contract for big $, and if there's one thing American's secretly despise its a true Horatio Alger story b) he had the temerity to earn that money while being the the best player on the planet (not named Bonds) for a team that sucked (TX) c) he joined the Yankees d) among Yankee fans, he is not considered a 'true' Yankee because he was not around for Torre's run nor did he come up through their system e) he cheated on his wife, which, as you know, no other ballplayer has EVER done.

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