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Saturday, July 12, 2014

That's Smiley on the drum!

Watching Joe Frazier v Manuel Ramos for the Heavyweight belt (June 24, 1968). GREAT opening round. Update: but not much more than that.  Frazier did what Frazier did and the fight was soon stopped by the ref

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Yesterday I also watched the Lennox Lewis-Phil Jackson fight from '94, and Lewis's upset loss to Hasim Rahman in 2001. That one ticked me off, because Lewis lost for no other reason than he was cocky and lazy. They compared it later to Tyson-Douglas, but nuh-uh. Douglas was motivated and fought a great fight, whereas Rahman stumbled through the whole affair. Lewis should have owned this match. There was no excuse for Lennox to clown around with a big grin and his guard down, and he paid for it allright; one punch and he was out and his belts were gone. It was irritating and it made the announcer's earlier quote - which I loved - ring prophetic: [paraphrased] "he better stop taking this so lightly, because his chin doesn't know the other guy's a 20-1 underdog"

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Watching the Lennox Lewis-David Tua championship bout from Armistice Day 2000.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


We scrimped and saved to send Smiley to summer camp w/ the Y, and dammit we pulled it off, although we could only afford a half-session. Then tonight the camp called, saying Smiley was asking to please stay and finish out the week, and the Y even offered to slash the price for him. Still, given my checkbook balance, it had to be a no. 

Major guilt, major regret here. A little bitter that #TeamSlap was thrown in the deep end decades ago and left to fend for itself ever since, but OTOH, proud as hell that what we have is our own and that no thanks are owed to anyone.


#TeamSlap watched "Noah" last night. The first ten minutes or so were so awkward and trippy that I thought about giving the film a pass, but I'm glad we stuck it out. It was a powerful thought provoking epic that struck a nerve in everyone that watched it.

 The girls (Lu and YaYa) finished the film disliking Noah (the man) for the actions he took and contemplated, but I told them they were missing the point. Noah wasn't given a blessing and a free boarding pass by God;  he was handed a massive responsibility and a terrible burden. As it would for anyone of sound mind, the weight of it nearly broke him. Frankly, his actions made sense. That he rose above it and used the free will he was given to give mankind another chance . . . that's the true moment of heroism and grace in the story, and it could only have come after living through what he did and felt. It's not a perfect film, but it's a dang fine movie and right up there with The Ten Commandments.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Eduard Shevardnadze

RIP Eduard Shevardnadze

Just FYI

You'll see that I'm tagged in a fair number of pictures from the Fourth. Please keep in mind that today's digital cameras can easily add one, even two hundred pounds. Adjust your perception accordingly. Thank you in advance.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Happy 4th!

Getting ready for our annual Fourth of July trip up to Omro, WI to visit with great friends and eat, watch a small town parade and of course watch the fireworks. Hope everyone enjoys reflecting on what a great country we live in while having a great holiday!! (My favorite holiday). - Lisa

Apparently, I know a serial killer

I *KNEW* that alleged serial killer in West Allis - the guy inclined to put his victims in luggage bags - looked familiar. According to a trusted source from Job Prior, he's the son of George, the driver.

Walter Dean Myers

RIP children's author Walter Dean Myers, age 76

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A great response from Sara Rogers to the hue-and-cry from the folks screaming about the SCOTUS "Hobby Lobby" decision out of pure reflex:  I'm mad as hell too but for the opposite reason. I'm mad that people who are so against this decision don't really know what it all involves. I'm mad that, as a society, we demand things without thinking of what the long term cost is for others. I'm mad at the sense of entitlement running rampant. I'm mad that people don't realize that the government has far too much control and say in our every day lives already. But I'm most mad about the fact that people with differing opinions and views can't share their opinions without being name-called, ridiculed, and insulted. What has happened to this country?"

He Ain't Wrong

Damn right Paulie

Monday, June 30, 2014


"It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."

Summer School

Summer school... What's worse then summer school? Going for no reason. - Yaya

[it's true: we registered the kids for summer school just to keep them busy and sharp. They are not pleased LOL]

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Ah, that moment of horror when you realize you've just posted the wrong photo to Facebook and wonder what else you mistakenly uploaded . . .followed by sweet bliss when you realize that it wasn't "that" photo. Whew.

Cream City Swirl

At Cream City Swirl with my Godson and Tre

Meshach Taylor

RIP Meshach Taylor, best known as "Anthony" on Designing Women.

Saturday, June 28, 2014


Just spilled red juice on a freshly bleached shirt. Lisa will be pleased her laundry effort survived all of ten minutes. Sigh..
At Beulah Brinton waiting outside YaYa's guitar class

RIP - 100 Years On

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, the pivotal event that started the First World War and changed the course of the rest of the century, and beyond. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Picking up YaYa from Camp

@ Camp Alice Chester picking up YaYa

Anxiety is Horrible

An issue with Marquette that dominated my thoughts and led me to concoct all kinds of disaster scenarios for the last 14 hours was resolved by the Dean - in literally less than five minutes from the time I sent her an email. Talk about "drowning in a cup of water" Danny Boy. LOL