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Thursday, July 10, 2014


Yesterday I also watched the Lennox Lewis-Phil Jackson fight from '94, and Lewis's upset loss to Hasim Rahman in 2001. That one ticked me off, because Lewis lost for no other reason than he was cocky and lazy. They compared it later to Tyson-Douglas, but nuh-uh. Douglas was motivated and fought a great fight, whereas Rahman stumbled through the whole affair. Lewis should have owned this match. There was no excuse for Lennox to clown around with a big grin and his guard down, and he paid for it allright; one punch and he was out and his belts were gone. It was irritating and it made the announcer's earlier quote - which I loved - ring prophetic: [paraphrased] "he better stop taking this so lightly, because his chin doesn't know the other guy's a 20-1 underdog"

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