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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Snowtown Murders

This morning we watched "The Snowtown Murders", a movie based on the story of Australia's "worst" serial killer and how he groomed and corrupted an abused young man to be his protege. It was . . . well, it was depressing and frightening and sad and graphic. There is child abuse, sibling rape, torture, animal abuse, and a prolonged murder scene. Describing it makes it sound like a snuff film, and it assuredly was not, with most of the above - but sadly, not all - occurring off camera. It's a well made, serious film that's what I call an "Oriental" meaning it would play at an independent show house like the Oriental or Downer. If you can handle it I strongly recommend streaming it on Netflix. Just don't expect to smile for the rest of the day.

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