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Tuesday, July 8, 2014


#TeamSlap watched "Noah" last night. The first ten minutes or so were so awkward and trippy that I thought about giving the film a pass, but I'm glad we stuck it out. It was a powerful thought provoking epic that struck a nerve in everyone that watched it.

 The girls (Lu and YaYa) finished the film disliking Noah (the man) for the actions he took and contemplated, but I told them they were missing the point. Noah wasn't given a blessing and a free boarding pass by God;  he was handed a massive responsibility and a terrible burden. As it would for anyone of sound mind, the weight of it nearly broke him. Frankly, his actions made sense. That he rose above it and used the free will he was given to give mankind another chance . . . that's the true moment of heroism and grace in the story, and it could only have come after living through what he did and felt. It's not a perfect film, but it's a dang fine movie and right up there with The Ten Commandments.

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