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Sunday, July 20, 2014

An Interesting Walk

Walking with my Godson

Smiley, Junie and I seem to attract crazies when we're together on Sunday's (remember the fireworks brawl last week?). On our walk today with my Godson we stopped at a Family Dollar near his house, where I bought them all a juice. The cashier seemed distracted.

"I'm sorry, that guy out there has stolen from here before. I just need to write down his license plate." she said.

I looked out the door. "The guy in the Altima?" I asked. 

"Yeah, he steals every time he walks in. He's robbing us blind."

Well there happened to be a blonde behind us in line. When we were done with our purchase I stood outside opening the drinks for the kids as she walked out . . .and got in the Altima. Oopsie. The cashier had said all that within earshot of the guy's girlfriend. Cue the guy going loco and charging into the store. 

Cue also my deep sigh. "Smileyr, if I give the word walk TJ and Lauren to Uncle Tre's house, ok?"


"Just do it if I say. I gotta make sure this guy doesn't do something stupid."

There's not a whole lot more to the story. He screamed and swore at the cashier, she said she was calling the cops, another customer and I made sure the guy knew he was outnumbered, the girlfriend beeped her horn, and he ran back to his car and drove away.

The kids were wholly oblivious, except for Junie who commented on the crazy way the man squealed his tires as he left the lot. I finished opening the drinks and we walked home together. 

The end.

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