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Sunday, January 3, 2016

YaYa now mocking how "lame" all my posts are. That may be. #GoodThingIDontGiveAShht

Overrated and Underrated

Most overrated film of 2015: Mad Max: Fury Road. Most underrated big budget film: The Man From UNCLE.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Die Hard

Lisa and the youngin's are in Chicago getting pizza, GC is at Grandma's, and I just introduced LuLu  to this great film! Her only critique was that McClane didn't "try" the phone before slamming it down - she didn't realize a landline has an audible dial tone lol


Yesterday was a long day, courtesy of the hip, but it was made better by some good kids (yes, even LK), a meatloaf dinner courtesy of JJ, and a marathon of Hoarders with Lisa while I let the stretching machine do its business. #blessed

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Junie, Age 8

I made Junie do extra chores after mouthing off, and she questioned why she was punished. I told her.

 "There's no evidence," she said. 

"I heard you," I said.

 "I didn't mean it."

"You walk into a bank and say you're going to rob them, and it won't matter. You'll go to prison," I said.

"Witnesses LIE Dad. What if someone at the bank hated you, and just wanted to get you in trouble. Huh? Maybe you just hate me. You can't punish someone just cuz they say they heard something," she said.

"I heard you."

"Witnesses -"

"I know how the legal system works kid. I am in law school."

"Doesn't seem like it."

Junie just got caught mouthing off again, and caught hell. The kids ratted her out and screenshotted smack she texted them. She's sobbing as she cleans the cat litter. This is why not everyone is strong enough to stick around 18 years.

My Thoughts - Overdraft Fees

In my opinion, a bank charging a one time overdraft charge is fine. A daily charge equal to the first is criminal. Any subsequent fee should be no greater than the going interest rate on the amount of the overdraft. (assuming the bank honored the rubber check). And no, it's not about us. The only check of ours that's bounced in the last ten years was when we closed our account after the break-in and forgot there was a valid check outstanding.


Just in case I haven't mentioned it, my hip hurts. #ContainYourAstonishment

Monday, December 28, 2015

Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Christmas Paintings

We opened our presents at midnight on Christmas, because we were just arriving home from visiting my sister. I'll spare you pictures of the gifts, except for these: paintings Lisa had made for each of the kids. She snuck out to Splash Studio four times between Halloween and Christmas (once with Trudy), wanting to create something special for each of their rooms.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Daddy's Home 2 and a Wonder Woman episode

We watched the Wonder Woman ('70's) episode "Amazon Hot Wax" with Rick Springfield and Judge Reinhold!


Daddy's Home 2 -  Obviously this isn't Oscar material, but what it is is warm, and honest, and funny - basically, everything Bad Moms was not.

Manicure Day!

LuLu is giving Yaya a manicure with the set OJ bought today for Boxing Day.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas at Alex Q's

After Mass #TeamSlap journeyed over to our friend's house for a get together with their family. They hosted a White Elephant gift exchange, a Bingo game for the kids, Surge, yummy turkey, and some potatoes horrifically covered in cheese. ;)

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Fantastic Four

It's not as bad as people say, but it isn't very good. No one is very likeable, least of all Johnny Storm (tho Jordan did a good job with what he had), and the action at the end was abrupt and pointless.

Many Thanks to Smiley

Kudos to my son, the only child to wish me well before the surgery. He even asked to come along and wait with Lisa, which we sensibly refused. He was the only one to greet me with a hug when I came back, personally set up the cooling machine that draped my hip all night, and volunteered to help me out. He even chose to cuddle up to me on the couch. Time and again, I think that whatever bumps lay ahead, in the end he'll be a fantastic husband and father. I love you Smiley!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

I'm Home

I got home from the hospital only an hour ago. What a long day. Recovery didn't go smoothly, although I remember little of it. The doc told Lisa how the surgery itself went, and her impression was not optimistic, but I'll relay more info after the follow-up. Right now I'm sore and tired and a little high, and more than a little irritated that I'm -for the moment - not very independent.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A Surgery Update

My (rescheduled) surgery is tomorrow, and unlike last week when I was apprehensive, I just want the dang thing over and done. I'm sick of the pain, and resent the extra week I've had to wait.

Monday, December 21, 2015

It's A Wonderful Life

 #TeamSlap just watched my favorite movie of all time at the Avalon. I made Lu wipe the tears that were streaming down my face! lol