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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Junie, Age 8

I made Junie do extra chores after mouthing off, and she questioned why she was punished. I told her.

 "There's no evidence," she said. 

"I heard you," I said.

 "I didn't mean it."

"You walk into a bank and say you're going to rob them, and it won't matter. You'll go to prison," I said.

"Witnesses LIE Dad. What if someone at the bank hated you, and just wanted to get you in trouble. Huh? Maybe you just hate me. You can't punish someone just cuz they say they heard something," she said.

"I heard you."

"Witnesses -"

"I know how the legal system works kid. I am in law school."

"Doesn't seem like it."

Junie just got caught mouthing off again, and caught hell. The kids ratted her out and screenshotted smack she texted them. She's sobbing as she cleans the cat litter. This is why not everyone is strong enough to stick around 18 years.

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