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Saturday, December 26, 2015

Boxing Day 2015 PT 2 - Shopping

After lunch we took some of the money planned for the trip and divided it up among the kids, letting them shop at Brookfield Square. Call it their Christmas bonus. Yes, I was self-conscious about being in a wheelchair and asked to be left behind while they shopped. Yes, I'm just immature enough to resent it when they did *what I asked* and left me sitting alone in the mall. Yes, I was enough of a martyr to FB about it. Yes, Lisa then called me out on it and I paid a terrible, terrible price.  But fear not, the day continued - just not at the mall. LOL

So, after the mall debacle Lisa drove us to Target, where I was able to use a scooter and shop with the kids. I always said I'd die before I rode in one of those things, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Junie got a MLP doll, some jewelry, and a Robolox card; LuLu bought her manicure set; Smiley bought some Pokemon cards but saved most of his cash, and YaYa bought an outfit.

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