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Sunday, January 14, 2018

The Ceiling Collapsed!

So this happened today. No one was hurt. But with proof the 126 year old plaster is critically weak, I have to dip into my contingency funds to have the first floor ceilings redone.


I suffer from nightmares every time I sleep, or at least every time I get a long enough rest to reach REM. Bad, horror movie nightmares.The doctor even prescribed pills to stop me from dreaming, tho I admit I don't take them, as they put me out for longer than I usually have to rest. No big deal, honestly; I usually wake up quietly, acknowledge it was a dream, and go back to sleep. Sometimes I even know it IN the dream. But this morning I bolted upright in bed terrified beyond reckoning and judging by Lisa's reaction I may have even screamed. That . . . was a doozy.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Ain't Family Grand?

Last night a family member called my phone - phoned me! - to call me a white supremacist because I do, indeed, think some countries in the world are s**tholes. 

Note that the person has never left the country. I have, and outside of tourist areas many places (not all) are the functional equivalent of porta-potties. That isn't a slam on the populace, it's an indictment of the incompetent and/or corrupt government.

Typical lefty tactics; disagree and you're a racist! Oh, and slamming the US and alleging it too is a s**thole? That's tactic 2, and it's just as shady (not to mention less than patriotic IMO).

 As to the call: a quick FU and a hangup.

An Update on the Remodel

We have reoccupied the house. After five days at Job Prior, sleeping on a less than ideal mattress, my hip is a mess. So is my house, with plaster dust everywhere. But the demo is done - save for the kitchen, which is down the road a month or so.

We gave away our gas stove today. No point in keeping it,  as we're replacing it in a few weeks and the wall where it goes is gone lol

My Ideal Weekly Menu

Every Friday should include salt crusted marble rye bread, coarse cut coleslaw, thick french fries, and an ample portion of baked or fried cod. Likewise, each Sunday morning should have hot shaved ham served on a fresh rolls (preferably dutchie crust), with a side of macaroni and potato salads. #MustHaves #Milwaukee

Sad but True

When I talk with my lawyer I'm the same whiny, needy little client lawyers joke about. Lil bit of humble pie there, I must say.

Friday, January 12, 2018


I'm in the B pool at Job Prior and this family put  a five year old (who cannot swim) alone on a float ring above 9ft of water! I had to say something.  I mean, come f*ing on.  Now the adult left the pool and I'm obligated to stay or leave this kid unattended to drown.  WTH.

Prophets of Rage

Members of Rage Against the Machine, Public Enemy, and Cyprus Hill came together as a group to produce a record that's pro "Resistance," anti-cop, anti-Trump, anti-drone, and pro-weed. I've listened to it three times so far. Their politics make me giggle, but the music is pretty good.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Proud Dad :)

My Mom, who is watching Smiley this week during the demo, related this anecdote to me: she sent him across the street to the grocery store, and on the way he passed by an old woman waiting on the bus stop. Seeing she was cold, he took the two hand warmers I'd given him during the bitter cold spell (the chemical bags you activate, then keep on you to keep warm) and gave them to the woman. #GoodManInTraining #ProudDad

A Visit to Job Prior

Those of you from Job Prior: if you haven't been back,  here are some changes to the main lobby.  Most noticeable: the sales office is now a bar.  I ran into an old houseman - God help me,  his name escapes me - who recognized me and chatted in much improved English.  The beds in C building suck and the bedding is thin,  but they have a pinball machine (I got on the leader board,  earning a free game on my first ball).

note: The mattresses are better in new room.  We were moved because of heater issues in original room.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Day 2

The current state of our home. We are two days into a full gut and remodel of the first floor. At the moment, Team Slap is scattered around town, with Lisa and me (yes, I believe that to be grammatically correct in this context) at Job Prior.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Give HIm Attention

My dad hasn’t posted on Facebook since the week before New Years. He is now currently sad “his fans” haven’t noticed or given him the attention he “deserves” lol - Lulu

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Fish Tank - Free!

We're getting rid of a 40 gallon fish tank, pumps, gravel, plants, everything included.... Including 12+ fish.... If you know anyone interested let me know. Free to a good home. I love these fish.... But they won't handle the remodel well, so they need to be rehomed. Hope to find a happy home for them! - Lisa

Friday, January 5, 2018

Anyone have any boxes we could use. ..i could return them after.... Lisa 

Packing House

Best fish fry ever at the packing house tonight.... No wonder there is always a line around the block for the drive through! Thanks again JJ Deeelicious! - Lisa

Monday, January 1, 2018

 I wish you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year - Lisa

Saturday, December 30, 2017


With air temperatures expected to hover around negative 9 degrees F, I've cancelled our Polar Bear Plunge. I can't justify risking the health of LuLu and Stacey. We'll get back to it next year, God willing.

Thursday, December 28, 2017


I can't shake this cold. I was fine Tuesday, couldn't talk last night, today the voice is back but I'm nearly deaf in my right ear. Tomorrow I'll be able to hear but probably go blind. F this merry go round.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Doctor Who Special and a Suggestion

The Christmas special/regeneration episode. Mild spoilers. Overall a well done, entertaining episode. David Bradley shined as the First Doctor, tho as with all multi-Doctor episodes the current one takes the lead. A shame really, as Bradley deserves more time in the role. Naturally NuWho had to dump on the classic show by painting 1 a sexist - as I recall, he disliked all humans equally but was hardest on Ian - but at least they made sure Bill stayed dead. Good on them for that. I'd grade this one an A-

For those of us with taste,  a suggestion to the #BBC: you have a working First Doctor set.  You have David Bradley in the stable,  and a "new" Penny and Steven.  Go ahead and make some new First Doctor episodes within his timeline.  Then look into hiring Shawn Pertwee to recreate some Third.  #please

Boxing Day 2017

For TeamSlap's annual Boxing Day trip we drove 80 miles down to Barnaby's in Arlington Heights. I remember going to the Milwaukee location as a very small child and thinking the woman in the stained glass was attractive. They closed in MKE 35 years ago or more, so when I heard another location existed it went on the bucket list. The pizza today was great, the burger so-so, the fish fry gawd awful. Lots of fun tho. Afterwards, a spending trip at a IL Walmart. Happy Boxing Day!

Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Cookies

 Had to make them myself but my craving is finally satisfied. Next year, someone please gift me some cookies! - Lisa