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Sunday, February 2, 2020


 These two are cooking again! Chocolate banana bread and Brazilian truffles. I wonder if they’d make dinner too? 🤔

Friday, January 31, 2020

Media Manipulation

Another lesson on how the media lies to manipulate you, without technically telling a fib. I mean, they do put a comma in the headline. 

25 years for shooting a police dog? The headline not only enrages the sympathies of the Left, it also placates the presumed call for harsh justice by the Right. 

Note: I'm Conservative, and think 25 years for shooting a dog is NUTS. 

Alas, either way the headline is horses$it. He got 5 years for shooting the dog, and 20 for armed carjacking and kidnapping. 



I'm proud and happy for them.

Mary Higgins Clark

The Queen of Suspense and author of 56 books, mystery writer Mary Higgins Clark, has died at 92 from complications of old age. 


Thursday, January 30, 2020

Stop the Fawning

While I agree with and applaud Ricky Gervais' Golden Globe monologue, let's not get too wrapped up with praising him. 

In the end, be consistent: his opinion isn't more valuable than that of other celebrities, just because he sided with you. 

JoJo Rabbit

Smiley and I saw this in the theater. Let's cut to the chase: I loved it, and so did he.

It's funny and quirky, moving and sentimental. The chronology and facts of the war are hopelessly muddled, but that may be intentional, a way to highlight how the war was pointless and absurd.
Roman Griffin Davis - young Jojo - is wonderfully talented, and I look forward to seeing him in future films.
Well done.

Tell Your Friends

 Yup! - Lisa

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

For Real?

I honestly thought this was a gag. I guess MLB did punish the Astro's after all.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Introducing Huckleberry!

Introducing Huckleberry (shelter named). Our new puppy.

Definition of a huckleberry (slang): the way of saying someone is perfect for a job, needed.

We’ve been looking for a very large breed senior dog for about 4 years now. Taking our time. So of course it’s only natural Dan and LuLu adopted a 3 month old medium sized puppy
🙄 lol. Wanna make the universe/God laugh? Make plans!

Can’t pick him up until February 5th, after he gets neutered. The original owner could still come claim their “property “. Even though he was found malnourished, filthy, matted, and scared. They suspect he’s been in a crate his whole life, has no idea what to do on a leash. Basically we adopted a job.
Put prayers or good vibes out there that the original owner stays gone and our family takes home this sweet dog to give him the life he deserves.

Walking Tacos

I call it fun festival food, my son: “prisoner food”. Either way it was a first for us!

Bonus: Less dishes!

On Finishing the Incredibly Long Bar Application

Dan made another huge step towards achieving his goals today and it was a hard one! So proud,

congratulations  - Lisa

I’m confused about the Bayshore Mall parking lot shooting. Was it a suicide or not? I swear I keep reading things saying both things. Anyone know? - Lisa

Monday, January 27, 2020




26 days into the new year before I made it to a movie theater. Pathetic.

'Parasite,' a Best Picture nominee, is a Korean film about an impoverished family that, by means unethical and at worst malicious, secures employment within a wealthy household. They feed off their benefactors happily until one of their past actions returns to upset the table . . .

It's darn good, and if nothing else, go see it for the house at the center of the story (breathtaking!) You quickly forget it's in a foreign language bc you immediately get to know the family, and while "horror" there's less violence than in many TV shows.

That said, a Best Picture nominee? Nah. It was entertaining, and sure you could scratch together a paper about its study of class divisions blah blah, but c'mon now. It was fun. And that's enough 

#Parasite Korea #Oscar #Horror

This is Common Sense, no?

Idk why this needs explaining, but then again people are stupid: if a famous person dies they receive attention bc the world *knew* them and feels the loss, and it does not diminish or demean the loss of any other person. If your grandpa and mine die on the same day, I do not expect you to spend an equal amount of time mourning MY loved one, nor would I view it as a slight when you don't. Grow up and let people grieve. It isn't a damn competition.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Kobe and Gianna Bryant

Basketball superstar, Lakers legend Kobe Bryant, has died in a helicopter crash that also claimed the life of his young daughter Gianna. 

I'm straight out bawling thinking about how scared he must have been for her as the helicopter went down. There are so many pictures of them together. He loved his daughter very much.

RIP to them both


 Thank you Dan! - Lisa 

Anyone with summerfest/ State fair job connections or current job connections for a 15 year old please contact me! The two oldest are happily employed at the airport and it’s Smiley's turn to find a way to earn during his spare time. Sad the lack of opportunities for teens these days! Thanks! - Lisa

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Circle

IMO this is a great reality competition about social media that is diminished by a rushed finale that leeches all the drama from the scenario. I'm still hoping for season 2.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Zumbo's Just Desserts

 Watching Zumbo's Just Desserts S2. A horseshit rigged s2 finale, imo.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

2020 Baseball Hall of Fame

Congratulations to Derek Jeter and Larry Walker on their election to Cooperstown today! It's a few hours late, but here's what my ballot looked like this morning

Monday, January 20, 2020




A Survey About LIsa

WITHOUT prompting, ask your child these questions.

Junie Age 12

What is something I say a lot? 
“Rock star parking!”

What makes me happy?

What makes me sad? 
Messes, like a stain on the carpet or your shirt.

How tall am I? 

What's my favorite thing to do? 
Get your toes done

What is my favorite food? 
Wonton wrapper mozzarella sticks

What is my favorite drink? 
Diet Pepsi 

If I could go anywhere, where would I go?
To a new kids concert

Do you think you could live without me?

How do I annoy you? 
In sooo many ways, mom

What is my favorite Tv show? 
Friends, Kenda, or any murder show

What is my favorite music to listen to? 
New kids on the block

What is my job? 
Stay at home mom 

How old am I? 

What’s my favorite color? 

How much do you love me? 
A lot