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Monday, January 27, 2020


26 days into the new year before I made it to a movie theater. Pathetic.

'Parasite,' a Best Picture nominee, is a Korean film about an impoverished family that, by means unethical and at worst malicious, secures employment within a wealthy household. They feed off their benefactors happily until one of their past actions returns to upset the table . . .

It's darn good, and if nothing else, go see it for the house at the center of the story (breathtaking!) You quickly forget it's in a foreign language bc you immediately get to know the family, and while "horror" there's less violence than in many TV shows.

That said, a Best Picture nominee? Nah. It was entertaining, and sure you could scratch together a paper about its study of class divisions blah blah, but c'mon now. It was fun. And that's enough 

#Parasite Korea #Oscar #Horror

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