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Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Coronavirus and Irrational Fear

A single death, if it is avoidable, is a tragedy to those who know and love the deceased.  But that personal tragedy does not create a crisis on an international scale.

I'm aware that coronavirus has killed more than one person globally (the first and to date sole American casualty was announced today.)  

But in this century alone the MSM has jumped on numerous outbreaks and proclaimed that the sky is falling. It's their hobby.

AIDS was/is an epidemic sadly wothy of the fear it generated. A glorified flu like Corona virus? No. It is CERTAINLY not worth crashing the economy.

Note: I know it is not a literal version of the flu.

 YaYa is going overseas soon, so I *DO* worry she will be quarantined or fall ill, but it's a concern I would have in most scenarios. 

Respect the danger the virus represents and then act with prudence. But don't fall prey to paranoia 

The Benefits of Fathering A Theatre Education Student

Friday, February 28, 2020


Mr. Rogers

I love this man! I always have from as far back as I remember. I'd throw a total fit when my brothers would want to change the channel. They eventually gave up trying. He never came off as corny to me like he did to some, because to me he always came off 100% genuine. All I can do is hope the [upcoming biographical] movie does justice to the man. - Lisa

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Clive Cussler

Aww, dangit. Adventure novelist Clive Cussler has passed away. RIP

 Round two... tried command strips this time. - Lisa

 Countdown to destruction 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ... I have always loved pillows but omg lol - Lisa

The Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson

THE MURDER OF NICOLE BROWN SIMPSON spins an alternate tale of her death, pinning it on convicted serial killer Glen Edward Rogers, who in fact has (falsely?) confessed to the crime.

It's a B movie start to finish, and you don't know who to feel worse for, Brown or poor Mena Suvari, who has fallen to Nic Cage level roles.

As a long time student of the murders I'm still happy I rented it from Redbox, but I'm not sure you'll feel the same. Rent it at your sole discretion. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Huckleberry got loose and headed straight for our busy street. During the pursuit I slipped on mud and went crashing down on my bad hip, then somehow also managed to skin the opposite knee - the first time I've done that in probably 35 years - and bang up my arm. Everything hurts like hell. Its gonna be a long night.


Huckleberry got loose and headed straight for our busy street. During the pursuit I slipped on mud and went crashing down on my bad hip, then somehow also managed to skin the opposite knee - the first time I've done that in probably 35 years - and bang up my arm. Everything hurts like hell. Its gonna be a long night.

My Thoughts

 Im NoT GiViNg up AnYTHiNg FoR LeNT InSTeaD i WiLL bE kINd 2 OTheRs ...uh, pretty sure you're supposed to do that anyway. #DoesntCount

Fat Tuesday

 Happy Fat Tuesday!! Dan is giving up soda for lent. Not sure on what else is being given up but it won’t be an all-out ban on meat like in previous years. That was a real pain-in-the-ass lol. - Lisa

Happy Fat Tuesday!

Prune is my favorite. How about you?

Sunday, February 23, 2020

75 Years Ago Today

The iconic photo, the quintessential depiction of American bravery and triumph, was taken 75 years ago today.

Saturday, February 22, 2020


Anniversary plans fell through. Ordered Tenutas-to-go because the one across the street had no seating and doesn’t do take out anymore. Sigh...$54 later I’m disappointed again. Didn’t even get a slice of bread with our meals. For those of you who love this place, what do you order? What’s the secret? The proximity makes me want to enjoy it but it’s always a huge disappointment. - Lisa



What?! This is terrible. Why is it so hard to provide basic warmth to prevent death? What is wrong with our city?! - Lisa

40 years ago today - The Miracle on Ice

40 years ago today, on the small black and white TV my Grandparent's kept on their kitchen counter, I witnessed one of the greatest moments in sports history.

That stunning hockey game was tape delayed for the network broadcast that night,  and so, oddly, already history by the time Americans cheered on their underdogs. A move like that would never work now, not with the speed of information being what is is, but in 1980 how were you going to know the result before it aired? Heck, more than ten years later I remember having to call the sports desk at the local paper to get a late boxing result. 

A month shy of six years old, I was nowhere near aware of the Cold War, the Iron Curtain, the Iran hostage crisis, the post-Vietnam fugue, Carter's stagflation, or any of the other geo-political events that made that match so much more than just an athletic contest.

But I knew I loved my country and I knew this was important. I could feel the electricity in the crowd right through the TV, a buzz shared by the announcers and my family.

It was a great day to be an American, whether you were six or sixty. 

A Miracle on Ice indeed.

My Friend Dahmer

MY FRIEND DAHMER was controversial here in Milwaukee because memories are long and feelings are still raw. Lisa and YaYa still went to it when it was theaters in 2017, but I hadn't watched it until now. 

It's based on the memories of one of Dahmer's high school classmates and was filmed in his actual childhood home. 

It is not always easy to watch, knowing what he is to become, and it is no masterpiece of storytelling. But it is a glimpse, potentially, of how he devolved into a killer, and it is sad and yet entertaining along the way.

If I were to assign it a letter grade, this movie earns a C, with a B for effort.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Smiley just landed his first "real" job!! Congratulations!!

Update Time!

Team slap updates!!

Definitely getting lots of great news the last couple days!!! Two lifelong friends are doing better with employment and living situations. Another making changes to get healthier and get education towards a major promotion.

SMILEY just got his first taxable employment (say hi at McDonald’s).
DAN - awaiting bar approval and has thrown his hat in for some jobs.
LULU - completed another complicated step towards her Madison scholarship while getting incredible grades at school and managing work.
YAYA - holding it down at UWM, bravely fighting the beast of college math while keeping a job and social life. Hearing her travel plans to Amsterdam/Paris is amazing!
And lil JUNIE is busy pre-spending her expected loot earned dog sitting. She’s become her client Luna’s new favorite hooman (even if temporary) and is always finding new ways to distract Luna from missing her family. She sure loved her chicken patty yesterday!
So proud of my people this morning. God is good y’all!! - Lisa ❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰🥰

I Might Be

 I might be that friend. Lol - Lisa


 - Lisa

3 Pics of my GusGus Gustofferson

Thursday, February 20, 2020

National Love Your Pet Day

 In order we’ve had them... Angel, Gus Gus, Custard, Trevor and Huckleberry you make our lives special, our purpose more clear. - Lisa



- Lisa