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Sunday, April 3, 2022



We - meaning me, Lisa, and Lisa's bestie, dined tonight at Tavolino, a restaurant on Milwaukee's East Side. 

The decor was simple and clean, with a modern slightly-more-than-casual vibe. For appetizers we shared polenta con funghi, aka polenta with mushrooms, and an order of meatballs (on the menu as polpetta di carne). 

Both were ample and delicious, although I prefer a meatball with a firmer texture. 

A small loaf of bread and olive oil was served before the main entrees. No complaints there. Yum. 

For dinner Lisa chose salsiccia - spicy sausage, nduja, ricotta, Calabrian chili oil, and rigatoni. 

It was genuinely spicy - and, in my opinion, the best dish of the three entrees. 

JJ ordered spaghetti and chicken breast - I don't recall what sauce - and both women agreed the breast was cooked perfectly. *I* wasn't allowed to try it. Hmph. 

For myself, I ordered the pan seared black cod in a pomodoro broth with leeks, carrots, peas, and fennel. It tasted great, but I would have preferred Lisa's dish (esp at only 2/3rds the cost of mine!)

Dessert was a lemon semifreddo that was brought to the table with three spoons so we could share; a laughable gesture by the server as it was the size of a free sample at Costco. None-the-less, the four molecules I had tasted wonderful. 

If there's any complaint I can register it was the service. The server was very pleasant and knowledgeable, but seemed to disappear for long stretches, and the wait time between courses was unusually long. Neither can be blamed on a packed house. While it was busy when we  were there, it wasn't crowded by any means. 

A very good dinner, and a very nice time. Recommended. 


I just learned there’s a word for the texture of certain apples that I hate [greatly dislike - ed.] so much - YaYa

Tuesday, March 29, 2022


One of my reels that took me 0 effort to create has reached 94,000 views and 10.5k likes. Cool, but why don’t my artistic ones that take effort get this attention?  -Yaya


When someone takes the box of plastic utensils from work so you have to eat your lunch using coffee stirrers as chopsticks.

Monday, March 28, 2022

KIng Richard and Will Smith's Oscar Slap

 This was one of the best...maybe the best movies I've ever seen. Well deserved award! He should apologize for his earlier actions tho. Not sure why he was allowed to stay...that's a precedent that I doubt will be upheld. We can't accept ppl interrupting n hitting ppl at awards shows....then letting them stay???

Way grosser behavior than an offensive joke.😳
I honestly thought the whole thing was a stunt until it wasn't.

- Lisa

 Every MKE based mf'er who is applauding Will Smith - that's the idiotic thinking that got 200+ people murdered in this town last year. Grow up.

Oh. And #this

Will Smith should face sanctions from the Academy


Listen, y’all think that because someone plays a character that’s relatable or warm and fuzzy, that’s how they are in real life. A further reminder, you don’t know anyone that is famous.

I posted about Wil Smith's deplorable outburst almost immediately after it happened, but deleted it thinking maybe it was an odd, staged attack. That doesn't appear to be the case. So for the record, Smith deserves to face criminal charges and/or, at the least, a ban from the Academy. What an as$hole thing to do.
Instead, 15 minutes after assaulting someone for saying something he didn't like, Smith is handed an Oscar, gives a laughable speech about being a "vessel of love" . . . and is given a standing ovation by the audience of Hollywood elites who not so long ago also called Harvey Weinstein a "god."
Hollywood, 2022.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

 The weather hasn't caught on to spring but my dining table has! Cant wait til the alstro n lilly opens - LIsa


 The weather hasn't caught on to spring but my dining table has! Cant wait til the alstro n lilly open - Lisa

Friday, March 25, 2022

RIP Taylor Hawkins

Taylor Hawkins, drummer for the Foo Fighters,  has died at 50. No details have been disclosed.  RIP

Two Books Junie Read

Junie can't stop raving about They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera.

On the other hand,  the book  got her, The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan was apparently a disappointment - much like people who dislike my recommendations. Grrrr

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Got Milk?

I like oat milk but this is still hilarious! - Lisa



 Does anyone have a reacher/garbage pick up thing I could borrow? My dogs have ripped open garbage all over the yard. -Lisa

Saturday, March 19, 2022

 Wow. Where'd the last 27 years go? How'd I end up married to a 48 year old man!? Happy birthday Dan ! Have the best day! - Lisa

Friday, March 18, 2022

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

 Happy St Patrick's day!!!

My niece got her babies t shirts that say "Mummy's lucky charm"...the absolute cutest! I remember trying to make each holiday memorable for my kids like this...warms the heart. I hope they get lots of extra attention today!
Meanwhile, no cute fits for my bunch today but there will be corn beef brisket, cabbage, veggies and soda bread so come get it! YaYa, Lulu (I'll save u a plate, get your bus ticket for tomorrow), Smiley, and Junie - Lisa