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Monday, March 28, 2022

Will Smith should face sanctions from the Academy


Listen, y’all think that because someone plays a character that’s relatable or warm and fuzzy, that’s how they are in real life. A further reminder, you don’t know anyone that is famous.

I posted about Wil Smith's deplorable outburst almost immediately after it happened, but deleted it thinking maybe it was an odd, staged attack. That doesn't appear to be the case. So for the record, Smith deserves to face criminal charges and/or, at the least, a ban from the Academy. What an as$hole thing to do.
Instead, 15 minutes after assaulting someone for saying something he didn't like, Smith is handed an Oscar, gives a laughable speech about being a "vessel of love" . . . and is given a standing ovation by the audience of Hollywood elites who not so long ago also called Harvey Weinstein a "god."
Hollywood, 2022.

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