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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Matlock's System by Reginald Hill

This is an early dystopian work by Reginald Hill, a writer best known for mystery novels. 

In the near future everyone in the UK has been fitted with a device that stops their heart at an age decided by the government, and based on the economic state of that year's budget. Does it sound morally wrong and ripe for abuse? Yes.  You know who thinks so too? Matlock, the former politician who thought it up and got it enacted,  but who now campaigns against it,  in near anonymity. 

But it seems like someone remembers Matlock after all,  because an awful lot of important people are suddenly looking for him . . .

I enjoyed the novel and think Hill did a good job of world- building,  and even 50 years after it's publication it has something to say about the state of our world. 

I recommend it. 

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