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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lost: Confirmed Dead

 Whoo-hoo! Lost is back!

Sure, Season 4 premiered last week, but like one co-worker/reader said, that episode was fine - for mid-season filler.  Tonight, tonight was the Lost I love.

The big revelation was hinted at in the title. Back in the 'world', the undersea wreckage of Oceanic Flight 815 was located in the Indian Ocean. The plane was relatively intact - no great big missing tail or nose section hint hint- and corpses were visible.

So what's going on? Is it really 815, and are the Losties spirits in purgatory, as I once theorized? That would certainly jive with the inclusion of Miles, professional and legitimate ghostbuster, on the mission to the island.

Or is it an elaborate and apparently successful hoax?

Assuming the folks who discovered the wreckage actually found the thing, and it isn't just an expensive special effects film, how is the hoax possible?

Big budget films don't have the moola to take an entire commercial airliner and drop it on the ocean floor, create a debris field, and load in some corpses (real or not) just to stage a scene. How could, well, whoever would do such a thing, finance/prepare/execute such a ruse? And how could they guarantee a legitimate accidental discovery?

Of course the writers threw us a bone by having the pilot object to the incorrect ID of the corpse and plant doubt in our heads . but really folks, what news channel would release those images in the first place? They kind of lost me on that, no pun intended.

Either way, how do the 'Oceanic Six' fit into the mix? Logically their existence is impossible in either scenario.

Next development: the insertion team. You have a cute, female Indiana Jones type archeologist with a thing for Dharma, the before mentioned ghostbuster, a quirky physicist who rather resembles a nervous Orlando Bloom, a drunk pilot who claims to have originally been scheduled to fly 815, and a professional soldier for hire.

They're all on the island to go after Ben. Why?

And some more questions: What did the physicist mean when he said light diffused oddly on the island? Why did the pilot not make the flight? Has the island now called him to meet his fate?

And back to the Losties themselves and the quote of the night.

Jack, after turning the tables on Miles, right after he says "how stupid do you think I am?"

 "I don't know Miles  how stupid are you?"

Not a whole lot else to say about Jack's group. But as for Locke's . .

LOVED the Apocalypse Now reference aka Colonel Kurtz. I was thinking the exact same thing just before Sawyer said it; as we seem to know from future-Hurley, Locke is leading the group down a frightening path.

Note that he said Walt looked 'taller', a simple and amusing way to explain away a child actor's growth over three years time. For those who haven't seen the Lost webisodes, which are short little scenes available only online, Walt has violent and destructive abilities . . it may not be a good thing Locke is listening to him.

So Locke survived his shooting at Ben's hand in part because he had no kidney there . . so his father's 'theft' of his kidney, in the end, saved his life. Every little thing ties into another in the Lost universe.

As for predictions, eh, why bother? I'll just sit back and enjoy the ride.

* * * *

One thing: before the episode I got to thinking. How do we know last weeks flash-forwards are after the events of the Season 3 finale? Is there something I'm missing, because otherwise it's perfectly reasonable that the events with Hurley preceded Jack's breakdown.

Just a thought.

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  1. Oh good lord it can be anything. Remember about St. could be some guy with a flying phobia worrying about his plane landing & what might happen. It could be a guy who survived the plane crash & is in a coma & this is what he is thinking due to neuron firing, could be a guy (or women just saying) floating on a piece of metal in the ocean who survived & is dehydrated & hallucinating...just on & one. Could be a wife who caught her husband cheating & hoping his plane crashes & thought death is too easy so she invisions all this torture for him (or he does for the wife etc) Ha!

  2. Hmmm I have never seen it. -Missy

  3. LOL...I tell you every time I think I got it figured out it changes up on me..however...I am on the same thinking as you!  Wishing you a great day..and thanks for popping by..adding you to my 100's of alerts so will be stopping by from time to time..have a good Friday!  Hugs,TerryAnn

  4. Hehehe...your zeal is too funny.  I know plenty of people are crazy for this show...I just don't get it. ;)  C.

  5. All I know is I am COMPLETELY Lost!  I am so confused it aint even funny!



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