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Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I haven't posted about the race for the Democratic nomination because, let's be honest, it's all over 'cept the shouting. Obama is the candidate of choice, and there's very little Clinton can do to change that.

Still, I'm glad she hasn't given up just yet.

A) because I am a Republican and it's kind of fun to watch and B) why the heck should she?

Oh, the 'good of the party'?  Thank you for your opinion Mr. Khrushchev, but no thank you. The party has done its best to finish her off, leaking stories about how the nomination 'must end' by June, hint-hint, nudge-nudge, and about how the math just won't work for her. Thanks for the support fellas, but you set up the nomination process so quit trying to cut it short. She's got the right to keep at it.

What about the idea of unifying the base before the general election? Ok, let's roll with that. If she believes she is the best candidate (and I think she does) and that Obama is woefully short on substance (which I think she does) and is a liabiltiy in the fall (which I again, think she believes) then why give up? Why not dig in, bring this to the convention floor, and hope for an upset?

[and if, as many believe, she is a selfish, self-centered woman who cares for nothing but her own gain, then she has no reason to go quietly, does she?]

I still don't see how you can completely dismiss someone who has taken big-name state after big-name state right out from under the 'sure thing' candidate. There are excuses/reasons/theories that explain away each victory and inform us that it wouldn't matter in November (it will) but either way, doesn't it make a Dem pause for thought? Not even a little?

Here's something else I found disturbing, and not in the racist sense many would be quick to label it in this crazy age. I heard of several exit polls in North Carolina that said Obama took the 'black vote' by better than 93%. (I have yet to independently verify this).

My wife felt that was something to be proud of, commenting that she wished women would have the same solidarity for their own. I disagree. Put 100 people in a room on Monday and ask them what day of the week it is and 15% will argue that it's Tuesday because they are mistaken, and another 10% will say it's Friday just to spite you.

In my experience,when 93% of people agree on anything, it's wise to start avoiding the Kool-Aid..

Conceding the fact that Obama will take the nomination, here's an idea. I admit it's crazy, straight out of 'shoot from your hip'/armchair expert  'ain't gonna happen land'.


Sure, it would tick off a whole bunch of people, which is never a good thing in politics. But think about it, really think about it.

The far right would point to it as proof McCain leans left, but what are they going to do, vote for the super ultra-left Obama? I doubt it.

Scads of Democrats would cry 'traitor', but if they were that loyal to the party, they'd vote for Obama anyhow, right?

Some folks in the middle would be sickened by the combo and stay home or vote Democrat. Others, however, would bite on the 'bi-partisan, dawn of a new era' slate. 

Most importantly, a sizeable number of Clinton loyalists would be inclined to follow her over. Even if only a handful left, assuming it was enough to balance out the defectors angry at McCain, it would divide the Democrats. It could put HRC a hair away from the Oval Office and without having to grovel like a beaten hound to Obama in exchange for a VP slot.

Certainly HRC seems to have burned her bridges anyway, so what's to lose?

Again, just blowing smoke. It won't happen. But if it did, it would have my vote. I like the woman, despite all her whack-a-doodle ideas and the (D) after her name. McCain-Clinton would be a formidable, if flawed, team.


Anonymous said...

I would love to see Hillary in office!  The other two do not impress me.


Anonymous said...

Lord give us all strength to endure this election and it's results...whatever they may be.  BTW, I am Republican.

Anonymous said...

As I have said before Dan  I shouldn#t really be commenting on your elections I find it all so strange and it goes on for SO LONG...from over here and purely from what I have read and seen I have to say I do like Obama's stand...but fortunatle if he gets in I can't take the blame or the praise  !!  Love Sybil x

Anonymous said...

You should have seen Jimmy Carter on Leno last night.  He had some brilliant points.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this...who might have started

Anonymous said...

good piece.  I agree with everything except the McCain/Clinton ticket.  Estela

Anonymous said...

Love your blog, but I agree with Rose, I would like Clinton to win....fat chance but still hopeing
