Today marks 189 years since the fall of The Alamo at the hands of the tyrant and dictator Santa Anna. This years anniversary carries with it extra meaning: 189 years, one for each of the 189 confirmed and identified defenders who died that fateful morning.
May they continue to rest in Peace and Glory.
1. Juan Abamillo, San Antonio
2. Robert Allen
3. Mills DeForrest Andross, Vermont
4. Micajah Autry, N.C.
5. Juan A. Badillo, San Antonio
6. Peter James Bailey, Ky.
7. Isaac G. Baker, Ark.
8. William Charles M. Baker, Mo.
9. John J. Ballentine
10. Richard W. Ballantine, Scotland
11. John J. Baugh, Va
12. Joseph Bayliss, Tenn.
13. John Blair, Tenn.
14. Samuel C. Blair, Tenn.
15. William Blazeby, England
16. James Butler Bonham, S.C.
17. Daniel Bourne, England
18. James Bowie, Tenn
19. Jesse B. Bowman
20. George Brown, England
21. James Brown, Pa.
22. Robert Brown
23. James Buchanan, Ala.
24. Samuel E. Burns, Ireland
25. George D. Butler, Mo
26. John Cain, Pa.
27. Robert Campbell, Tenn.
28. William R. Carey, Va.
29. Charles Henry Clark, Mo
30. M.B. Clark
31. Daniel William Cloud, Ky.
32. Robert E. Cochran, N.J.
33. George Washington Cottle, Tenn.
34. Henry Courtman, Germany
35. Lemuel Crawford, S.C.
36. David Crockett, Tenn.
37. Robert Crossman, Mass.
38. David P. Cummings, Pa.
39. Robert Cunningham, N.Y.
40. Jacob C. Darst, Ky.
41. John Davis, Ky.
42. Freeman H. K. Day
43. Jerry C. Day, Mo.
44. Squire Daymon, Tenn.
45. William Dearduff, Tenn.
46. Stephen Dennison, England
47. Charles Despallier, La.
48. Lewis Dewall, N.Y.
49. Almeron Dickinson, Tenn.
50. John H. Dillard, Tenn.
51. James R. Dimpkins, England
52. Andrew Duvalt, Ireland
53. Carlos Espalier, San Antonio
54. Gregorio Esparza, San Antonio
55. Robert Evans, Ireland
56. Samuel B. Evans, N.Y.
57. James L. Ewing, Tenn
58. William K. Fauntleroy, Ky.
59. William Fishbaugh, Ala.
60. John Flanders, Mass.
61. Dolphin Ward Floyd, N.C., N.Y.
62. John Hubbard Forsyth
63. Antonio Fuentes, San Antonio
64. Galba Fuqua, Ala.
65. William Garnett, Tenn.
66. James W. Garrand, La.
67. James Girard Garrett, Tenn.
68. John E. Garvin
69. John E. Gaston, Ky.
70. James George
71. John Camp Goodrich, Tenn.
72. Albert Calvin Grimes, Ga.
73. Jose Maria Guerrero, Laredo, Tex.
74. James C. Gwynne, England
75. James Hannum
76. John Harris, Ky.
77. Andrew Jackson Harrison
78. William B. Harrison, Ohio
79. Charles M. Haskell (Heiskell), Tenn.
80. Joseph M. Hawkins, Ireland
81. John M. Hays, Tenn.
82. Patrick Henry Herndon, Va.
83. William D. Hersee, England
84. Tapley Holland, Ohio
85. Samuel Holloway, Pa.
86. William D. Howell, Mass.
87. Thomas Jackson, Ireland
88. William Daniel Jackson, Ireland
89. Green B. Jameson, Ky.
90. Gordon C. Jennings, Conn.
91. Damacio Jimenes, Tex.
92. Lewis Johnson, Wales
93. William Johnson, Pa.
94. John Jones, N.Y
95. Johnnie Kellog
96. James Kenney, Va.
97. Andrew Kent, Ky.
98. Joseph Kerr, La.
99. George C. Kimball (Kimble), N.Y.
100. William P. King
101. William Irvine Lewis, Va.
102. William J. Lightfoot, Va.
103. Jonalhan L. Lindley, IL.
104. William Linn, Mass.
105. Jose Toribio Losoya, San Antonio
106. George Washington Main, Va.
107. William T. Malone, Va.
108. William Marshall, Tenn.
109. Albert Martin, Rhode Island
110. Edward McCafferty
111. Jesse McCoy, Tenn.
112. William McDowell, Pa.
113. James McGee, Ireland
114. John McGregor, Scotland
115. Robert McKinney, Ireland
116. Eliel Melton, Ga.
117. Thomas R. Miller, Tenn.
118. William Mills, Tenn.
119. Isaac Millsaps, Miss.
120. Edwin T. Mitchell
121. Napoleon B. Mitchell
122. Edward F. Mitchusson, Va.
123. Robert B. Moore, Va.
124. William Moore, Miss.
125. Robert Musselman, Ohio
126. Andres Nava, San Antonio
127. George Neggan, S.C.
128. Andrew M. Nelson, Tenn.
129. Edward Nelson, S. C.
130. George Nelson, S.C.
131. James Northcross, Va.
132. James Nowlan, Ireland
133. George Pagan, Miss.
134. Christopher Parker, Miss.
135. William Parks, N.C.
136. Richardson Perry
137. Amos Pollard, Mass.
138. John Purdy Reynolds, Pa.
139. Thomas H. Roberts
140. James Robertson, Tenn.
141. Isaac Robinson, Scotland
142. James M. Rose, Va.
143. Jackson J. Rusk, Ireland
144. Joseph Rutherford, Ky.
145. Isaac Ryan, La.
146. Mial Scurlock, N.C.
147. Marcus L. Sewell, England
148. Manson Shied, Ga.
149. Cleveland Kinlock Simmons, S.C.
150. Andrew H. Smith, Tenn.
151. Charles S. Smith, Md.
152. Joshua G. Smith, N.C.
153. William H. Smith
154. Richard Starr, England
155. James E. Stewart, England
156. Richard L. Stockton, Va.
157. A. Spain Summerlin, Tenn
158. William E. Summers, Tenn
159. William D. Sutherland, Ala.
160. Edward Taylor, Tenn.
161. George Taylor, Tenn.
162. James Taylor, Tenn.
163. William Taylor, Tenn.
164. B. Archer M. Thomas, Ky.
165. Henry Thomas, Germany
166. Jesse G. Thompson, Ark.
167. John W. Thomson, N.C.
168. John M. Thruston, Pa.
169. Burke Trammel, Ireland
170. William Barret Travis, S.C.
171. George W. Tumlinson, Mo.
172. James Tylee, N.Y.
173. Asa Walker, Tenn.
174. Jacob Walker, Tenn.
175. William B. Ward, Ireland
176. Henry Warnell, Ark.
177. Joseph G. Washington, Tenn.
178. Thomas Waters, England
179. William Wells, Ga.
180. Isaac White, Ky.
181. Robert White
182. Hiram J. Williamson, Pa.
183. William Wills
184. David L. Wilson, Scotland
185. John Wilson, Pa.
186. Anthony Wolfe, England
187. Claiborne Wright, N.C.
188. Charles Zanco, Denmark
189. John, Negro