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Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Commandant's Shadow

The Commandant's Shadow is a documentary about Auschwitz told from two polar opposite point of views.  The first, that of Hans Hoss, the son of the camp's Commandant, a mere child during the war. On the other side Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, a feisty survivor of the camp who went on to some fame as a musician in England. 

Neither party is overly engaged with the film or its pursuits. Anita, perhaps to protect her own mind from the horror of her memories, confines Auschwitz to the past and finds little point in discussing it further.  Hoss, himself an innocent child during the Holocaust, is visibly troubled by be continuing burden he carries for actions that were not his own, and finds it hard to separate the loving father from the violent Nazi of history.

That dual reluctance unbalances the entire film, because it's inarguable that its Anita's daughter Maya who is demanding the spotlight, and the two women clearly share a relationship that is tense if loving.  Maya seems almost bitter that her mother shuns the spotlight she herself desires, and the viewer feels the strange urge to scream at the screen that you are not a victim, this is not your pain, this is not your story to tell! Likewise, Hoss is pushed by his own son to dig up his father's past. 

Certainly there is value in confronting the past and getting a discussion on the record. To do so, however, in clear opposition to the wishes of those victimized by that past . . . it is uncomfortable at best, unconscionable at worst. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

God's a Showman

Nothing is quite as dramatic as a Homily where the Priest's point is immediately followed by a clap of thunder so intense it shakes the windows. That's darn good theater. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Tavern on 6th

Despite it being the 11th of October here in Wisconsin, it is also a sunny, breezy day around 80 degress farrenheit. Just lovely weather. My friend Seth offered to buy me lunch and so we walked down to Tavern on the 6th and dined outside. 

Sorry about the poor photo here, but the sun was uncooperative. I ordered a  plain smashed burger with grilled onions, nothing else. 

I do not know why, or by what magic this came to pass, but the burger was EASILY one of the top 3 or 4 I have ever had in my life. I kid you not.  My word, it was good. 

Despite his penchant for making goofy faces when photographed, Seth chose to go all serious for this one, perhaps in honor of his collegiate sweatshirt. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

I Saw the TV Glow

Two young teenagers, both i outcasts at school, bond over a shared love for a supernatural themed television show. Years later, as adults, one of them begins to question the reality of the show, and the world around them. 

Ok, first of all, this is a very good film. 

It is also very strange at times, in story and execution, both obviosuly by intent. 

I *think* that this is an allegory of trans individuals and their search for a personal identity, but I honestly could be mistaken. 

It's . . . well, watch it and judge for yourself. 

Monday, October 7, 2024

Church in the Park

Back on September 8th, at the request of my Mother-In-Law, Lisa and I attended a multi-denominational Christian service in the park . 

(I had already gone to Mass the evening before). 


It was gorgeous weather, the turnout was good, and the crowd was friendly.  During the Eucharist someone dropped a plate of the bread and no one moved to pick it up from the ground, during or after the service. That bothered me, even if it was just symbolic of Christ. Other than that, it was a pleasant experience. 

Afterwards, we stopped and had breakfast at Landmark Restaurant, sitting in Team Slap's old booth. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Way My Mind Works

This is just a random shot of Milwaukee traffic in the 1950's, but it inspired the same thought that photos like this always do for me. 

Whenever I see an old crowd shot, a traffic shot,  a busy sidewalk,  I wonder if my Grandparents,  or Great Grandparents are somewhere in the photo,  forever anonymous. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Rinse and Repeat

The Brewers had a two run lead going into the 9th, when our closer promptly gave away four runs and out of the playoffs we go. 


As usual. 

A first round exit in five of the last seven seasons.

One playoff series win to show for six postseason appearances in that time. 

For 50 years I've had to say "maybe next year."

That has gotten very, very old. 

Do better.