Speedway on 124th and National was just robbed. I walked into the store just moments after the robber left. The cashier is OK but was treated roughly and was in tears. The cops are already on the scene.
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Friday, February 17, 2017
Thursday, February 16, 2017
The US Did Nothing
Russia threatened and harassed Ukraine, then walked in and took Crimea from them by force.
The US did nothing.
Russia shot down a passenger jet.
The US did nothing.
Russia sent troops into the Middle East, negating a ban enforced by 12 US Presidents.
The US did nothing.
Russia taunted our naval vessels.
The US did nothing.
All of that was under OBAMA and yet the press is trying to convince us that *Trump* is somehow selling us out to Moscow? Good grief, get off the drugs. #DoNotTrustTheMedia
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Exciting News!!!
Guess who got her first job? :) - YaYa
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
"A man who has made no enemies is probably not a very good man." - Justice Scalia
Happy Valentines Day 2017!
My littlest valentine made me breakfast in bed, waffles and strawberries she heated up the syrup ..... Hope ask of you have Valentine surprises all day, spread the love - Lisa
Monday, February 13, 2017
Not my words, but certainly my thoughts: Nothing makes more of an impactful statement, in advocating for acceptance into the United States and calling for equal treatment of American civil rights, than waving a Mexican Flag, the symbol of a nation you didn't love enough to remain in and help improve.