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Monday, June 26, 2017

The Archer


A Possum Tale

As she was getting her bike out of the shed Junie ran to me saying there was an animal in the fertilizer spreader.  Indeed there was, a young possum that refused to budge until I carried the spreader out and tipped it over on the grass.  It's age kept me from killing it, but i can't have it taking up residence in the shed. So I'll be cooking up some internet solutions shortly.

Bible Update

Finished Nehemiah (good writer, admirable man), Tobit (yawn), and Judith (women be trouble, then and now).

Sunday, June 25, 2017


Best meal ever at Romines, might have been the strong ass margarita that made the meal so good, lol. Good times with Dan and LK

Thursday, June 22, 2017

A Political Post

No one seems to care, but Obama's DHS Secretary testified under oath that the DNC refused to cooperate with Homeland Security as it investigated hacking charges during the election season. The Democrats - speaking only in terms of the official party here - are as crooked and shady as they come.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

A Lesson

Life lesson from #DatelineTV: the 911 operator is not your ally,  your confidant,  or a neutral party.  Anything you say, or don't say to her, and in what tone or lack thereof,  in what is surely the most panic stricken moment of your life, will be abused and twisted by a prosecutor more concerned with victory than justice.

My Latest Painting

It's not up to my wife's level, but it a'right. I'm not sure what's up with my left arm in the picture, unless I was trying to honor Bob Dole.

Strange Victory

When you wake up having to pee and your kid  consciously  jumps into the bathroom ahead of you, and slams the door proclaiming "You don't control me!" in some odd pubescent victory.