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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Dropping the Girls Off at Camp

Today we dropped off two of the girls for week long Girl Scout trips -LuLu to learn the trapeze, and Junie to go horseback riding - taking along, if I'm not mistaken, the cowboy boots Roger J----s gifted a young YaYa for the very same purpose! 

The Lucroy Trade

Went to bed impressed by the Lucroy trade to the Indians. Woke up impressed that Lucroy spurned it.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Helping Grandma Move

Team Slap spent most of the day helping Grandma move and unpack her new apartment (she's moved back to her original apartment complex, after being displaced for months by a fire)

Friday, July 29, 2016

A New Look for Junie

A new 'do for LK

The DNC Convention

The Police Stop Me on Break

For four years I've worked here and taken my lunch and break outside at the same time, and yet almost every night the local cops roll by real slow, and sometimes even stop to question me. I'm not sure what percentage of middle aged, 300#, polo shirt wearing white guys reading Virgil's Aenid Book VI are a threat to the security of this suburb, but it must be pretty dang statistically significant.

White Bone by Ridley Pearson

This is a pretty good, well written thriller nominally centered on poaching in Kenya. Nothing overly memorable, but a fun read.

LOL I bet!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Hypocrite Much?

The youngest Clinton is on record scolding her friend Ivanka over her Dad's history with women. Maybe Chelsea should question *her* father on his harassment, exploitation, and alleged rape of women over a thirty year period. How about that?

Changing it Up

To snap out of this plateau I'm changing things up this week. Even more water, more rest, as much exercise as the hip can tolerate, and no carbs. That no carb thing . . . that hurts.


O'Reilly's retort is stupid. A well fed slave is still a slave.

Fox Brook Lake

Monday we took the family to Fox Brook Lake and met up with friends, spending the day swimming, grilling, paddle boating, and relaxing.