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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Goat Yoga??

As a comment says: if you're being honest, stuff like this is why Trump won.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

I Hope this Comes to Pass

A list of potential projects under Trump's trillion dollar infrastructure idea: 

Hudson River rail tunnel ($24 billion)
San Francisco to Los Angles high-speed train ($65 billion)
Gordie Howe Bridge from Detroit to Canada ($2 billion)
Clean up Lake Erie ($3 billion)
300-MPH train from New York to D.C. ($100 billion)
Sea wall to protect Miami from rising seas ($20 billion)
Putting I-70 underground in Colorado ($1 billion)
Light rail from the D.C. metro system into Maryland ($6 billion)
Dams to protect South Carolina from flooding ($1 billion)
300-MPH train from Houston to Dallas ($10 billion)


Light snow ugh. Winter has arrived.


My Mom is back in the hospital. I know she loves being at home, but it's about time she listened to me and moved to assisted living.

Happy Birthday Governor!

Happy 75th Birthday to the great Tommy Thompson!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Um, No.

I just read a news article that states the Constitution requires nine justices on the Supreme Court. Uh, no, no it doesn't say that. Where the heck was her editor? Better still, where was her Google? Or her education?

Next Semester

I registered for spring classes tonight. More taxation, and business bankruptcy.

In unrelated news, I'm in a woe is me mode. Discuss.

My Thoughts

I don't have a solution for the problem I'm about to gripe about, but naturally, being me, I'll gripe anyway. Public meetings on local issues are a necessity, but I feel only the folks on the extreme can afford to attend. I work full time, go to law school, and have four kids. I can't spend an evening refuting the frenzied obsessions of some of the people who leave flyers on my door calling for "action!" on nonexistent problems. Install a speed bump on a busy thoroughfare because of "hot rodders"? Jezus Kochanie, Ike ain't President anymore. Go watch Wheel of Fortune at the home and be quiet.

My Thoughts - Citizen Involvement

I don't have a solution for the problem I'm about to gripe about, but naturally, being me, I'll gripe anyway. Public meetings on local issues are a necessity, but I feel only the folks on the extreme can afford to attend. I work full time, go to law school, and have four kids. I can't spend an evening refuting the frenzied obsessions of some of the people who leave flyers on my door calling for "action!" on nonexistent problems. Install a speed bump on a busy thoroughfare because of "hot rodders"? Jezus Kochanie, Ike ain't President anymore. Go watch Wheel of Fortune at the home and be quiet.