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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Girl Scout Cookies for Sale!

My girls are selling Girl Scout cookies! If you want some yummy treats, and/or have a familial or cultural obligation to support GSA or one of my girls, let me know!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Thanks for the Money: How to Use My Life Story to Become the Best Joel McHale You Can Be by Joel Mchale

Book #3 of 2017 was funny, pointless, and showed only the faintest knowledge of the written word. I enjoyed it.


And well deserved.

William Peter Blatty

I'm very sorry to hear that William Peter Blatty, the writer of the exceptional "The Exorcist," has passed away. 

RIP sir. You done good.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Girl Scout Cookies Are Coming!

 Count down!! Gonna need alot of help from friends and family.... Three girls selling this year!!! - Lisa

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

We Eat Our Own by Kea Wilson

#2 of 2017: I have mixed feelings about this book. Wilson can write, to be sure, and the first few pages alone took my breath away and sucked me in. But I soon grew fatigued. In the end there is too much style, too much talent on display just for its own sake, and not enough story.

An Old Favorite

Listening to Meryn Cadell, happily introducing the next generation to her song, "Barbie". Thanks to Sioux for introducing me over 20 years ago. Good memories. I've been redeemed, lol - LIsa

Monday, January 9, 2017

The Ghosts Were Active

Not a restful night for Team Slap. I woke up no less than 3 times, once from a nightmare, once from Lisa nearly shoving me off the bed, and once to investigate a persistent tapping noise that woke us both up (apparently a cat toying with the litter box). I gave up on sleep at 5:30. In the morning Smiley reported waking up several times from nightmares; independently of one another, so did YaYa and Junie. "The ghosts were active here last night," I told them.

4 Weeks

Last night marked four weeks since I've had caffeine.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Packers v Giants

An awful first quarter, but what a dominant second half!

I'm Not Buying It

I'm not sure I buy the idea of Russia influencing our election; its an awfully convenient out for the Dems. But if true, how did they "influence" it again - by letting the very words of the DNC emails see print? 

So. . . they did the job the media *should have done, and let voters see the real heart of that party, so they could make up their own mind? 

Heavens, how awful and undemocratic. Dang those imaginary foreign influencers. 

Saturday, January 7, 2017


One of the city's "most recognizable" landmarks?? I've lived here 42 years and couldn't tell you where the heck this thing stands. Old does not equal precious.


The family went to evening Mass, then for a quick bite to eat - #KneelThenMeal - but otherwise nothing much happened today.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Life in a Medievial City

Book #1 of 2017: a detailed and pleasing narrative of life as it was experienced in Troyes, France in 1250.

Three Decades Ago . . .

30 years ago today, Tommy Thompson was sworn in as Wisconsin's 42nd Governor.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

30 Years On

Today marks 30 years since my paternal Grandfather passed away. My Dad and I had plans to visit the grave and go to lunch, but he canceled at the last minute. So after school I took the Centerpieces to visit the grave. They were reluctant, saying they'd never met him. "You're just a link in a chain. Someday you'll be worm food, and your great-Grandkids will complain about the same thing, and God willing your Grandson will tell them how much he loved his Grandpa Smiley and make them go. So you're going."

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

My Oscar

LuLu brought home this art project Wednesday. I thought I finally won my Oscar!

Stuart's Paintings

This poster sized collection of artwork, painted by a co-worker, hangs in the halls at work every year.

You . . .you eat THAT??

This is what Junie chose to cook herself - ramen noodles liberally coated with red pepper and dyed with food coloring. Julia Child she ain't.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Magnificent Seven

I expected any remake of this classic to be junk, but it's a rollicking, fun Western. Well worth the rental! And, much like the F&F franchise, it successfully transcends race - the 7 are black, white, Mexican, Indian, Asian, Confederate, and Union - by flat out ignoring the issue and any anachronisms or dust-ups it would cause. A worthy template for Hollywood to follow.

Well, About Time!

After a dozen years of ardent participation, UWM *finally* included a pic of one of my kids in the College For Kids catalog! Junie can be found on page 16.

My To Be Watched List

There are so many great (sounding) films in the theater I'll never get to them all: Manchester by the Sea, Sing, Passengers, Patriots Day, Collateral beauty, Lala Land, Fences, Hidden Figures, Arrival, Jackie, Hacksaw Ridge, and the less acclaimed Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, Assassin's Creed, and Fantastic Beasts.

A New Business to Support

There's a new UPS store on 1st St, right across from the Allen-Bradley building. The owners are a married couple named Dan and Lisa, which is reason enough to support them, but they are also so new they bent over backwards to help me and I'd imagine they'd do the same for you. Stop in.

The Love Guru

Our first movie of the year, but hopefully not the best. It wasn't as awful as I feared, and there were a few laughs along the way, but don't look for me to call for a sequel.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Housewarming Party

Spent the afternoon at the housewarming party for my Mother in Law