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Friday, February 3, 2017

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Brexit to go ahead

 Freedom is sprouting anew in the West.

My Student ID

My student ID broke, costing me $10 (b/c the tuition isn't enough for Marquette to eat the cost) and a trip to the Marquette Union with Olivia Slap. I'd say my new photo is a big improvement.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

 My hip is on full blast this morning. It hurts just to stand.

Good Trump



A stranger just texted me and offered me a job. All I have to do is follow the link he provided and I'm guaranteed $100k a year! Hot dog!



Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend

I saw this for my 11th birthday party. Anyone still remember?

From Lisa


The Ones Below

 A quiet, restrained horror film about two couples expecting their first child. Recommended by both of us.

 Guess its time to invest in a humidifier upstairs. Too many nose bleeds and sore throats. - Lisa

Monday, January 30, 2017

Well Done

When the news broke that Trump had fired the acting AG I literally broke out in extended applause. Moments earlier I had urged the action, but didn't think a President would have the guts to risk the political firestorm. I forgot that we finally have a Commander in Chief more interested in getting the job done than keeping the media happy. Well done sir!!

Hardcore Henry

Judging by the trailer I thought this movie would be ridiculously stupid but you know what? I thought it was a lot of (albeit violent) fun and a hoot to watch.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

There's Only One Correct Way

He's solving everything LOL 

All Eyes on Sharon Tate

A harmless 10 minute documentary from 1966 that can only be seen as tragic and creepy in light of the fate ahead of her.

World Without End

 A truly awful film where '50's astronauts mistakenly travel forward in time to a dystopian Earth. It is so grievously sexist that NOW may have produced it for propaganda purposes. The actresses should have resigned in protest.

My Thoughts - on the "Muslim" Ban

 I appreciate that Americans tend towards hysteria of late, but let's deal with facts. It cannot be a Muslim "ban" if Malaysia, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Chad, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Turkey, etc. are not included on the list.

Here are the nations - NOT the religion - subject to the temporary ban: Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, and Somalia. All 7, with the exception of Iran, have no functioning government capable of vetting emigrants.

Many Presidents, including liberal darling Carter, have enacted bans on immigration from specific countries. Quit listening to the lying MSM and do some thinking for yourself.


At the Avalon with Lisa: 

 M. Night Shyamalan's latest tale is about three teenage girls held captive by a man with split personality disorder. James McAvoy (sp?) is wonderful, and the story is strong. It's not Shyamalan's best work, but it's far far far from his worst.


 My oldest came down this morning and said "I had the worst dream, you were screaming at me in the grocery store, really loud". I replied, "that's not a dream, that's a flashback". Lmao.....i amuse myself!! - Lisa

Saturday, January 28, 2017

So Disrespectful

I saw something at Mass today I never have before: a few pews in front of me was a young woman and her son. She spent a chunk of the Mass on her phone, then abruptly got up to leave. Rather than ask the lady beside her to move, she stood on the pew bench and climbed over the pew. It was so unexpected that I found myself saying "No No No."

EW Sucks

 Someone leaves old issues of Entertainment Weekly behind at work. I read them on lunch to aid my weight loss efforts, as EW's obnoxious, pandering, SJW agenda inspires me to purge. From a single review of a sitcom: "the intolerable wrongheadedness of middle aged men" "lack diversity" "white male entitlement" "alpha male lout" and ends by saying masculinity should disappear or else men should. #gag

Friday, January 27, 2017

John Hurt

RIP actor John Hurt. The War Doctor's reign was short.

Barbara Hale

Barbara Hale, best known as Della Street on Perry Mason, has died. RIP

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Mike Connors

 RIP Mike Connors, TV's "Mannix," age 91.

Cookie Sales are Ending!

 Girl Scout Cookie Sales are ending tomorrow. If you haven't ordered from my girls yet, now's the time!